Melchior Szczepanik
Head of @PISM_Brussels
Institutional issues, budget, future of Europe, CAP
Avid marathoner in spare time (3:02:50)
ID: 1463443354448846859
http://www.pism.pl 24-11-2021 09:44:28
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A captivating discussion on enlargement. I am glad I could chair a panel at this event. Watch out for a paper on the subject written by Jana Juzová and other colleagues involved in REWEU project

Talking EU defence and the role of the Weimar 🔺 in making it more powerful with excellent experts from the three countries, EEAS and NATO. Compelling keynote speech by Michael Gahler Many thanks to IRSEM SWP Berlin for co-organising the event

In the run-up to von der Leyen's speech tomorrow, Aleksandra Kozioł and myself assess #EUCO priorities .

"Musimy kontynuować realizację celów wyznaczonych w ramach Europejskiego Zielonego Ładu". Manifest wyborczy Zielonych? Nie, program Ursuli von der Leyen na kolejne pięc lat. O okolicznościach jej reelekcji rozmawiamy z Tomasz Zając W Depeszy również dwa inne ciekawe słuchowiska 🙂

A look back at the main themes of of the campaign, the political dynamics that dominated 🇪🇺 election in three member states, and implications of the results. Many thanks Stiftung Genshagen for the invitation to contribute