Melissa Colvin (@melissacolvin18) 's Twitter Profile
Melissa Colvin


Wife, Mom, Assistant Principal at Farine Elementary in Irving ISD, Advocate & Life-long Learner

ID: 1281960625212723206

calendar_today11-07-2020 14:37:03

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Melissa Colvin (@melissacolvin18) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I was invited to see our LIFE students learning about flowers & their resources. I got there, was handed a cup of soil with my name on it, & told the kiddos were planting sunflowers (my fav flower) & wanted me to do it with them as my graduation 🎁 Best gift! #IISDReimagined

I was invited to see our LIFE students learning about flowers & their resources. I got there, was handed a cup of soil with my name on it, & told the kiddos were planting sunflowers (my fav flower) & wanted me to do it with them as my graduation 🎁 Best gift! #IISDReimagined