Midland Christian Football
Official Twitter account for Midland Christian Football #PonyUp
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https://www.midlandchristianschool.org/o/mcs/page/football--254 20-07-2017 18:57:34
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PRIVATE SCHOOL REPORT: MCS gets ready for tough opener against No. 8 Graham mrt.com/sports/highsch… via Midland Reporter-Telegram

HS FOOTBALL: Rodriguez leads Midland Christian on both sides of the ball mrt.com/sports/highsch… via Midland Reporter-Telegram

Midland Christian Football scores on back to back drives to go up 14-0 in the first quarter!

Nice toss from Avery Morgan to Colten Alexander to keep the drive going! Midland Christian Football TAPPS

Great pass from Avery Morgan and catch, run, and score by Boston Rodriguez! Midland Christian Football up 20-3 with 3:32 left in the game. TAPPS

Midland Christian Football takes their home opener on Homecoming night 20-3. Let’s #GoMustangs!!!

HIGHLIGHTS: Midland Christian dominated Bishop Lynch 20-3 on homecoming weekend. Midland Christian Football yourbasin.com/sports/highlig…

Post game with Mike Cantrell Avery Morgan & Brady Young