Clare McGuire
Head of Programme #TeamWCYPF @nesnmahp. Professional Advisor, Scottish Government. Nurse | Health Visitor | Teacher. DProf student. #Unfeartie. Views my own.
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29-01-2013 17:14:34
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VACANCY: Lecturer in Paramedic Practice. Find out more and apply - buff.ly/4c48Chf RGUParamedics

Fantastic NESnmahp webinar hearing from Debbie Barnett MBE telling us about Human Donor Milk and the amazing work of Milk Bank Scotland Thank you for sharing this valuable information NHS Education for Scotland (NES) Clare McGuire Dr Tom McEwan FRCM Jas Redfern Gillian Bowker

Great start to the session today from carolyn wilson & Lynda Fenton. Such important messages & discussion. #TeamWCYPF Joanne Gibson Joanna Smith Susan Short RD AnneMarie Bruce Anne

How do we make change happen? Hearing from Public Health Scotland at our #childpoverty webinar Clare McGuire Joanne Gibson

During her visit to the National Donor Milk Bank NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Minister for Public Health and Women’s Health @Jenni_Minto acknowledged its importance in providing access to breastmilk to some of our smallest and sickest babies where needed.

Please share widely and encourage engagement Justine craig Gillian Valentine Lynsey Callaghan Carole Murphy NHS Highland jaki lambert

🌟Join Team RCM🌟 👀 We are looking for a Professional Advisor Digital Midwife. ⏰ Closing 18th Sep but be aware this may close earlier depending on interest. Digital Midwives Industry Network Find out all the info here: rcm.org.uk/about-us/rcm-c…

One Good Adult Job Description - for anyone working or volunteering with CYP in Scotland Clare McGuire