Maya Kristal Tenenbaum (@mayakristalt) 's Twitter Profile
Maya Kristal Tenenbaum


Performer, Video Editor | Next: @CurieMusical | Prev: @fury_elysium, The Band’s Visit at the @DonmarWarehouse |@RoyalAcadMusic Grad | she/her ✨

ID: 1353281373986050051

link calendar_today24-01-2021 10:00:13

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All That Dazzles (@atdazzles) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The cast for Marie Curie: A New Musical has been announced. Playing at CharingCrossTheatre from 1st June - 28th July, it stars Alisa Davidson as Marie Curie alongside Chrissie Bhima as Anne Kowalska Thomas Josling as Pierre Curie & Richard Meek as Ruben Dupont Tickets from

The cast for <a href="/CurieMusical/">Marie Curie: A New Musical</a> has been announced.
Playing at <a href="/CharingCrossThr/">CharingCrossTheatre</a> from 1st June - 28th July, it stars Alisa Davidson as Marie Curie alongside <a href="/_KhrissieB/">Chrissie Bhima</a> as Anne Kowalska <a href="/thomas_josling/">Thomas Josling</a> as Pierre Curie &amp; Richard Meek as Ruben Dupont
Tickets from
החדשות - N12 (@n12news) 's Twitter Profile Photo

״אדוני ראש הממשלה, האם לא מגיע לאזרחי ישראל, אנחנו, אלו שמשלמים את המשכורת שלך, האם לא מגיע להם, לנו, הסבר על הפער הזה בין ההבטחות שלך בעבר למציאות? האם לא הגיע הזמן לענות על כמה שאלות אמיתיות?״ | Dany Cushmaro בריאיון חג עם ראש הממשלה Benjamin Netanyahu - בנימין נתניהו

החדשות - N12 (@n12news) 's Twitter Profile Photo

משפחתו של סמל אילן כהן ז"ל, חייל בודד מארגנטינה שנפל שלשום בעזה, קוראת לציבור להגיע להלווייתו היום בשעה 15:00 בהר הרצל

משפחתו של סמל אילן כהן ז"ל, חייל בודד מארגנטינה שנפל שלשום בעזה, קוראת לציבור להגיע להלווייתו היום בשעה 15:00 בהר הרצל
Elica Le Bon الیکا‌ ل بن (@elicalebon) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Why can nobody talk about the hostages? Do their lives mean nothing? Everybody has free license to talk about Gaza, as they should to raise awareness—which I wish would also be applied to the Israeli hostages in Gaza—but such content is never rebuffed and attacked with mass

The Stage (@thestage) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Sizeism in theatre is to be tackled with the launch of new training for drama schools, aimed at increasing the representation of plus-size performers in the industry. Read more 👇…

West End Best Friend (@westendbf) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🎭 FIRST LOOK 🎭 Production images have been released for the English language premiere of major new musical Marie Curie, which plays at London’s CharingCrossTheatre until 28 July. To book tickets, please click on the link below…… #ad 📸 Pamela Raith


Production images have been released for the English language premiere of major new musical Marie Curie, which plays at London’s <a href="/CharingCrossThr/">CharingCrossTheatre</a> until 28 July.

To book tickets, please click on the link below…… #ad

📸 Pamela Raith
Natalie Lisbona (@natalielisbona) 's Twitter Profile Photo

BREAKING:::The moment NOA ARGAMANI and her father YAKOV are reunited after israel rescued her from Gaza . Noa was a HAMAS hostage for 8 months

Heidi Bachram 🎗️ (@heidibachram) 's Twitter Profile Photo

On Shabbat near to our local synagogue someone has spray painted this lie. Zionism is the right for Jews to self-determination after thousands of years of persecution. To have control of their destiny. To protect against the whims of antisemites. Zionism is antiracism in action.

On Shabbat near to our local synagogue someone has spray painted this lie. Zionism is the right for Jews to self-determination after thousands of years of persecution. To have control of their destiny. To protect against the whims of antisemites. Zionism is antiracism in action.
Hannah 🇮🇱 BRING THEM HOME (@nice_cuppa) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The Metropolitan Police have unilaterally issued a section 14 on @EIE2024 without any consultation whatsoever. They have taken it upon themselves to assign Jewish protesters and allies a metal pen from which they are allowed to protest. A “Jew pen” they will not be allowed to leave. 1/3

Marie Curie: A New Musical (@curiemusical) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Have you booked your tickets to #MarieCurieMusical yet? 🧪 You don't have long to see us at CharingCrossTheatre - the final performance is only 3 weeks away! 🎟️…

Have you booked your tickets to #MarieCurieMusical yet? 🧪

You don't have long to see us at <a href="/CharingCrossThr/">CharingCrossTheatre</a> - the final performance is only 3 weeks away!

Nicole Lampert (@nicolelampert) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The superhero universe was created by American Jews who felt powerless amid the Nazi threat. They saw no countries would stand up for Jews: so they created superheroes who, in a fictional universe, would protect the needy against the baddies. Often the Judaism was hidden -

The superhero universe was created by American Jews who felt powerless amid the Nazi threat. They saw no countries would stand up for Jews: so they created superheroes who, in a fictional universe, would protect the needy against the baddies. 
Often the Judaism was hidden -
Katya (@oceanbullock) 's Twitter Profile Photo

julie andrews rejecting her tony nomination for victor/victoria (which not only she was predicted to win but which would’ve made her EGOT), to stand in solidarity with the rest of the production who were not recognized. a true queen

Caitlyn Burt (@caitlyn_burt_) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Call out for visually impaired/blind associate artists of any discipline! New musical workshop taking place 13th Jan - 4th Feb. No experience required. Applications close Friday!… Audio description song of show art:…

Call out for visually impaired/blind associate artists of any discipline!
New musical workshop taking place 13th Jan - 4th Feb. No experience required. Applications close Friday!…

Audio description song of show art:…