Dr. Matthew J Barrett
Parkinson's and Movement Disorders specialist, Associate Professor of Neurology @VCUHealth
ID: 79604205
04-10-2009 00:39:21
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In 2019, the most downloaded #MDCP article was: Treatment Options in Degenerative Cerebellar Ataxia by Harini Sarva and Vicki Lynn Shanker from Mount Sinai Health System. ow.ly/D5dn50xLM1c @wileyneurology

Thank you Denver Riggleman - Coalition of the Sane for meeting with us today as we advocate for research to improve the lives of those with Parkinson disease. #Act4PD michaeljfox.org

Excellent information! And do we ever need a roadmap through this crisis. youtube.com/watch?v=GVjBMM… w/ Prof Peter Hotez MD PhD

A voice of reason during this pandemic, Nicholas A. Christakis, this week on New York Times Books podcast, which was one more push toward reading Appollo's Arrow

Higher educational levels in Huntington's disease predict earlier symptom onset and diagnosis, but better motor performance and function. Reasons may include earlier symptom recognition and greater cognitive reserve in better educated people Dr. Matthew J Barrett …mentdisorders.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.10…

Great editorial companion to our Neurology Journal article on #Parkinsons #psychosis in #PPMI Dr. Matthew J Barrett @JBlairUVA UVA Radiology Cholinergic forebrain density loss in Parkinson disease n.neurology.org/content/early/…