Matti Gralka
Physicist turned microbiologist. Assistant professor at VU Amsterdam.
ID: 930571556
https://sites.google.com/view/mattigralka/ 06-11-2012 21:30:38
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A brand new publication 🥳from Otto X. Cordero group with Matti Gralka and Shaul Pollak on metabolic processes in heterotrophic microbial communities 🦠🧪🔬 Enjoy it 👇 nature.com/articles/s4156…

Thank you all Seppe Kuehn Lab Zeqian Li Vaibhhav Sinha for writing this great summary of our paper and putting our work in a broader context!

The Matti Gralka and Mulla groups (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) are seeking a #PhD student to study #phage ecology in microbial communities. buff.ly/3ZaVTUZ

Cool day with people working on quantitative microbial ecology in the NL! Thanks Djordje Bajić and Rebeca Gonzalez Cabaleiro for organizing the symposium and Gerben Stouten and robbert kleerebezem for showing us the UNLOCK-microbiomes facilities!

For centuries, the study of microbial communities has had little defining theory. Now, a group of physicists turned biologists are using genomics to concoct axioms for microbial assembly. Dan Samorodnitsky reports: quantamagazine.org/the-quest-for-…

Just arrived at American Physical Society march meeting in Minneapolis, looking forward to a few days of catching up and learning new things. Say hi if you're around! #APSMarchMeeting

Amazing news and many thanks to European Research Council (ERC) for supporting my ViBRANT-SEA AdvERC research proposal. Read all about it nioz.nl/en/news/presti…

Interested in how microbial community assembly and coexistence relate to function? And how experimental choices affect them? Check out my review published today as part of a #COMICR themed issue edited by Alvaro Sanchez Lab Seppe Kuehn Lab! authors.elsevier.com/a/1jRMl4tPFpdY…