Martina Migliorati
PhD student in EU Law. Keen on systems of non-discrimination law, AI-driven differentiation and opinions formalised in codes, also called algorithms.
ID: 3207828935
26-04-2015 09:29:08
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Follow live the Conference #HumanRights in the Era of #AI, organised by the Heike Thiele, Ambassador of Germany to the CoE Presidency, Auswärtiges Amt and @BMJV_Bund 🗓️ 20/01, 1.00 PM to 5.45 PM (CET) 🇬🇧 🇫🇷 🇩🇪 Opening by: ▪️Heiko Maas 🇪🇺 Auswärtiges Amt ▪️Dunja Mijatovic Commissioner for Human Rights
We increasingly let #AI check up on us , it is time we check up on #AI @COE4AI #CAHAI Heike Thiele, Ambassador of Germany to the CoE
⚧️Our reporter Nicolas Kayser-Bril does not use Twіtter. looked at a training data set for automated translations. No suprise: they're still hopelessly sexist. Read here why de-#biasing goes beyond #data and models ➡️…
💻European Commission proposes new rules + actions aiming to make 🇪🇺 a global hub for trustworthy #AI Guaranteeing the safety + #FundamentalRights of people + businesses, whilst strengthening uptake, investment + innovation across 🇪🇺 Read more ➡️…
13/20 AI bias tests clash w/EU non-discrimination law Brent Mittelstadt Chris Russell & I developed a bias test that is inline w/the law & Amazon Science Amazon Web Services decided to implement it Oxford Internet Institute Faculty of Law
Manuale per conduttori davanti a giornaliste molestate: “È successa una cosa molto grave che non possiamo tollerare. Interrompiamo qui il collegamento e ci mettiamo in contatto con le forze dell’ordine perché il molestatore della nostra collega venga rintracciato e denunciato”.