MaplehoodUnited (@maplehoodunited) 's Twitter Profile


Join the Maplewood annexation movement as we finally blur the borders with Saint Paul & unleash a new era without corporate tax havens and suburban shenanigans.

ID: 1669576973159395330

calendar_today16-06-2023 05:25:53

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MaplehoodUnited (@maplehoodunited) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Wanted to revisit the Maplewood City Council's concern about the bus being a threat to the 23k daily drivers on White Bear Ave... the only place daily traffic hits that number is White Bear Ave and Hwy 36.

Wanted to revisit the Maplewood City Council's concern about the bus being a threat to the 23k daily drivers on White Bear Ave... the only place daily traffic hits that number is White Bear Ave and Hwy 36.