Evolutionary biology @ PennState
ID: 4827487055
http://www.bx.psu.edu/makova_lab/ 19-01-2016 20:14:09
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Jonathan Eisen
Prof @UCDavis #Genomics #Microbes #Microbiomes #Evolution #BirdPhotography #Type1 phylogenomics.me Past @johnshopkins @stanford @harvard @WWHS_Bethesda
Dr. Joanna Malukiewicz 🇵🇱🇧🇷🇩🇪
Evolutionary Genomics, Marmoset (Callithrix) Hybridization, Speciation, Immunogenetics, #FirstGenImmigrant #cyster
James McInerney
Chair in Evolutionary Biology and Leverhulme Research Fellow. Open Science Advocate. Emigrant. #Python Machine learning. #Pangenomes 🇮🇪 #firstgen He/Him
Nels Elde
Evolutionary genetics and cell biology. And co-host of This Week in Evolution #TWiEVO. And chicken-assisted gardening. #MacFellow @HHMINEWS
Galaxy Project
Galaxy has left Twitter/X! Find us here: LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/galaxy… Bsky: @galaxyproject.bsky.social Mastodon: @[email protected]
Michael Schatz
Bloomberg Distinguished Professor of Computer Science and Biology at Johns Hopkins University
Adam Phillippy
Goodbye Twitter 👋 You can now find me on bsky. I'll also try and post research updates more frequently on my lab homepage, linked below ⬇️
Vince Buffalo
Evolutionary genetics postdoc @UCBerkeley ♥s biology, running, probability+statistics, 🦀, fly fishing, backpacking. Author of book Bioinformatics Data Skills
Selene FeRNAndez
Genomics, bioinformatics & non-coding RNA #RegRNALab Lead @UNSWRNA @UNSWBABS Board member @iscb #TeamHB8 Opinions == mine 🇲🇽/🇭🇲 @selfdz.bsky.social
Silent people tend to have the loudest minds. #travel #love #art #music #nature
just excited to be here
Aaron Quinlan
All things genome mutation, software for genomic discovery. Chairperson of @UUGenetics Co-director, DELPHI Data Science Init (he/him) quinlanlab.org
Eisa Mahyari Ph.D.
R. Assistant Prof., #MachineLearning #omics #Mammalian #Immunology #InfectiousDiseases #Infertility. #NHP. Typos prove I'm human. 改善.
Assistant Professor, Pennsylvania State University
Rayan Chikhi
Researcher in bioinformatics @institutpasteur and @CNRS. Tweets about methods for DNA sequencing data analysis, and genome assembly.
Mia Levine
Associate Professor @Penn @PennBiology @PennEpiInst @PennGenomeInteg Curious about co-evolution, conflict, and chromosomes
Graham Coop
Popgen @UCDavis. @[email protected] . Tweets, grammar, & spelling are my views only.He/him. #OA popgen book github.com/cooplab/popgen…
Federico López 🇺🇦
Evolutionary biologist | Comparative genomics | Bioinformatics | Social insects
Dmitri Petrov
Evolutionary Biologist at Stanford. Rapid Evolution, Adaptation, and Genomics. Open Science advocate.
kai musk
Son of Elon Musk, Thanks very much for your support 🙏, love y'all ❤️
Adegoke Joseph
M.Sc veterinary Microbiology| Junior Bioinformatician| Comparative Genomics
Jamie R. Walters
Evolutionary Genomics, Lepidoptera, Kayaking, Daddy
Joshua G. Schraiber🌹
Evolution, statistics, software, slacktivism. Once left a tenure track job, but trying to get one again. @docedge85 and @mwpen pay my bills
Zamin Iqbal
Professor of Algorithmic and Microbial Genomics at the University of Bath. Pathogens, genomics, genome graphs, antibiotic resistance, algorithms,data structures
Rebekah Rogers
Genetic novelty and evolution. Lead of the new CCI-EVOLVE research working group at UNCC. Editor at JEB and MBE.
Chris Boles
Interested in DNA, chromosomes, Iceland, dogs, cats, Scotch whisky, and genomics tools. Sage Science employee. All opinions expressed are my own.
Harmit S. Malik
Study genetic conflicts professionally. Try to avoid conflicts in personal life (with mixed results). @HutchBasicSci @fredhutch @HHMINEWS He/him
Matthew Hahn
Population geneticist. Hobbies include: two kids.
Michael Tassia
Postdoctoral Fellow in the McCoy Lab at Johns Hopkins University
Carmina Barberena-Jonas 💛🍋🌻🌕✨
Ph.D. candidate at @moreno_lab PopGen | Diversity | R | DataVis | Genes estudiando genes desde el 2014 en la @lcgunam y ahora en @BiolIntegrativa | She/Her/Ella
Rongqing Yuan
Dylan Duchen
Genetic Epidemiology + Computational Immunology Postdoc with @skleinstein , @Yale-@Boehringer Fellow | Previously: Genetic Epidemiology @JohnsHopkinsSPH
Prof @Cornell, visiting Prof @epfl🇨🇭#firstgen, immigrant 🇫🇷🇺🇸, he/him. Come for the memes, stay for the transposon and virus stuff.
Hernán Morales
Globe Institute @uni_copenhagen. Evolutionary and conservation genomics group leader 🇲🇽in🇩🇰
Matthew Thompson

Matthias H. Weissensteiner
Bioinformatician and Researcher @ifv_whv | evolution | birds | genomics | structural variation | non-B DNA | repeats @MWeissensteiner.bsky.social
| 🇵🇰 | Biochem & Molecular Biology |Algae | Cas-9 tec | Cold Stress Resistance in Cotton |Abiotic Stress| Plant Functional Genomics Lab SHZU 🇨🇳 |
Doc Edge
Assistant professor in quantitative and computational biology @USC. Genetics, evolution, and a bit of statistics.
Michael Edward

Human Pangenome Reference Consortium
Diverse Human References Drive Genomic Discoveries for Everyone
Juliette de Meaux
Plant Eco-Evo Geneticist. Transitioning to Mastodon. Currently found as @[email protected]
Irene Zanin
Baby researcher incredibly fascinated by science 🧬🦠🧫
we outchea
Rajan kumar sah
Ph.D scholar Plant polysaccharides, CAZY DB UNESCO-RCB Faridabad, Indian
Jonas Bush
🧬 🐝🏃♂️ 🏔 📚 he/him
Dra. Vicka Fields
PhD Evolutionary Genetics|Bioinformatics 👩🏻💻mtDNA 🧬 |Food Sovereignty 🐑🌽🌶️| History of Science 🔬|
Armando Acosta


Mahmoud El sharkawy
Hossein Allahdadi
Translational Biotechnologist
Suiliang Xia

Mohammadali Dashtbali
Doctoral researcher at @UniFreiburg. Interested in evolutionary biology, sexual selection, mathematical modeling, epidemiology, game theory and genetics.
Garcia William
gym… music… 🎶

Javier Maravall López
PhD student with David Reich and Alkes Price @Harvard. Interested in human population, statistical and evolutionary genetics.

Rachel Jiang
an editor of academic journal
Alex Stewart
Life is a big experiment, keep making mistakes and keep learning.Get better everyday. True love is All I seek and please stay real 💝
James Maverick

Hana Palova

Jodok cello
=my Dear Fans, If you're a biggest fan of mine can I get a big YESS!!!!! I love you All 🌹❤️❤️



Chandana Basu
Wellcome DBT @India_Alliance Early Career Fellow @CgdBHU, RLS fellow, Marie Curie fellow, keen on understanding human phenotypes, Co-founder @genetiks4u ☕️
Amandine Cornille (she/her)
NYU AD Associate professor / Population Genomics / Adaptation/ Domestication/ Coevolution / Fruit Trees / GLobal changes/ Tweets are my own. @PommierVerger
One Health Microbiome Center
The One Health Microbiome Center at Penn State optimizes, accelerates, and disseminates microbiome applications and knowledge. On BlueSky | LinkedIn | YouTube
Ziyang Xia
PhD student at @Cornell CompBio. Alumnus @UCL & Fudan Uni. PopGen, simulation, aDNA, adaptation. Amateur in linguistics & calligraphy. he/his/هو/ـهُِ
did you hear about the girl who lives in delusion?
Aoxing Liu
postdoc with @dalygene at Broad Institute & MGH; Geneticist - learning why, how, and when cells made “detectable” errors with large biobanks!