Lung Cancer Europe
LuCE is the voice of people affected by lung cancer in Europe, advocating and networking to improve outcomes for the community. #LungCancer #LCSM
ID: 811532090655260672 21-12-2016 11:21:42
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We have recently launched two new videos for #ALK+ patients which can be accessed via our website. Please take a look & refer your patients to Lung Cancer Nursing UK BTOG BOPA Committee Scottish Thoracic Society Welsh Thoracic Society #IrishLungCancerCommunity Gerry Hanna Seamus Cotter
#Recap of today's Informative Breakfast ☕: We discussed the future of breast & lung cancer research with Dr. Llombart (MEDSIR), Alfonso Aguarón (Lung Cancer Europe), MJ Martínez-Serrano (Novartis) and Pilar Fernández Pascual (Asociación Española Cáncer de Mama Metastásico) focus on key advances & AI in oncology #ESMO24
It has been a pleasure to share with you our thoughts and vision of the future 10 years of cancer research MEDSIR Novartis España Asociación Española Cáncer de Mama Metastásico Lung Cancer Europe . Let’s meet again in 2034 😉
Hot topic for me, with exp of caring for two people with cancer. 1 with T2D Greater collaboration between cancer research & diabetes is needed “diabetes & cancer: connecting the dots” session today Cancer Research @UCC Diabetes Collaborative Clinical Trial Network All-Island Cancer Research Institute (AICRI) EASD #dedoc° #dedoc #EASD2024
Delighted to be part of the #ESMOAmbassadors group for #ESMO24. Looking forward to hearing all the latest #CancerResearch ESMO - Eur. Oncology Check out 👉… Trinity College Dublin Trinity St James's Cancer Institute St James's Hospital TTMI - Trinity Translational Medicine Institute #IrishLungCancerCommunity CancerTrialsIreland 🌈 Lung Cancer Europe
CÀNCER | Viure més i amb millor qualitat de vida és una prioritat en #recercaoncològica; el diagnòstic precoç i la integració de les noves tecnologies, els principals reptes dels experts. Asociación Española Cáncer de Mama Metastásico MEDSIR Lung Cancer Europe ESMO - Eur. Oncology ✍🏻 EstelHuguet…
Good morning! We are in hashtag#Barcelona from today for the ESMO - Eur. Oncology Congress 2024. We are looking forward to a very instructive few days. You can find out more about the #ESMOCongress on #ESMO #ESMO24 #ESMO2024 #ESMOCongress #LungCancerEurope #LuCE #LCSM
🔵 🇮🇪El Gobierno irlandés prepara una nueva ley para prohibir los vapeadores desechables.🚭 #StopTabaco #PorUnMundoLibredeHumo Fundación MÁS QUE IDEAS Cáncer de Pulmón Foro Español de Pacientes Plataforma de Organizaciones de Pacientes Grupo Español de Cáncer de Pulmón…
Great to catch up with so many advocates at the Patient Advocates reception. Thank you ESMO - Eur. Oncology for the great opportunity to get together #ESMO24 #ESMOAmbassadors Filipe Paixao
From #SanDiego #WCLC24 to #Barcelona for the #ESMO - European Society for Medical Oncology Congress 2024. Please find out more about : #ESMOCongress on #ESMO24 #ESMO2024 FairLife Lung Cancer Care #EuropeanSocietyforMedicalOncology #LCSM #lungcancer #patientadvocacy