Lung Cancer Europe
LuCE is the voice of people affected by lung cancer in Europe, advocating and networking to improve outcomes for the community. #LungCancer #LCSM
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http://www.lungcancereurope.eu/ 21-12-2016 11:21:42
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We have recently launched two new videos for #ALK+ patients which can be accessed via our website. Please take a look & refer your patients to alkpositive.org.uk Lung Cancer Nursing UK BTOG BOPA Committee Scottish Thoracic Society Welsh Thoracic Society #IrishLungCancerCommunity Gerry Hanna Seamus Cotter

#Recap of today's Informative Breakfast ☕: We discussed the future of breast & lung cancer research with Dr. Llombart (MEDSIR), Alfonso Aguarón (Lung Cancer Europe), MJ Martínez-Serrano (Novartis) and Pilar Fernández Pascual (Asociación Española Cáncer de Mama Metastásico) focus on key advances & AI in oncology #ESMO24

It has been a pleasure to share with you our thoughts and vision of the future 10 years of cancer research MEDSIR Novartis España Asociación Española Cáncer de Mama Metastásico Lung Cancer Europe . Let’s meet again in 2034 😉

Hot topic for me, with exp of caring for two people with cancer. 1 with T2D Greater collaboration between cancer research & diabetes is needed “diabetes & cancer: connecting the dots” session today Cancer Research @UCC Diabetes Collaborative Clinical Trial Network All-Island Cancer Research Institute (AICRI) EASD #dedoc° #dedoc #EASD2024

Delighted to be part of the #ESMOAmbassadors group for #ESMO24. Looking forward to hearing all the latest #CancerResearch ESMO - Eur. Oncology Check out 👉 esmo.org/meeting-calend… Trinity College Dublin Trinity St James's Cancer Institute St James's Hospital TTMI - Trinity Translational Medicine Institute #IrishLungCancerCommunity CancerTrialsIreland 🌈 Lung Cancer Europe

CÀNCER | Viure més i amb millor qualitat de vida és una prioritat en #recercaoncològica; el diagnòstic precoç i la integració de les noves tecnologies, els principals reptes dels experts. Asociación Española Cáncer de Mama Metastásico MEDSIR Lung Cancer Europe ESMO - Eur. Oncology ✍🏻 EstelHuguet diarisanitat.cat/blog/2024/09/1…

Good morning! We are in hashtag#Barcelona from today for the ESMO - Eur. Oncology Congress 2024. We are looking forward to a very instructive few days. You can find out more about the #ESMOCongress on esmo.org #ESMO #ESMO24 #ESMO2024 #ESMOCongress #LungCancerEurope #LuCE #LCSM

🔵 🇮🇪El Gobierno irlandés prepara una nueva ley para prohibir los vapeadores desechables.🚭 #StopTabaco #PorUnMundoLibredeHumo Fundación MÁS QUE IDEAS Cáncer de Pulmón Foro Español de Pacientes Plataforma de Organizaciones de Pacientes Grupo Español de Cáncer de Pulmón lavanguardia.com/vida/20240910/…

Great to catch up with so many advocates at the Patient Advocates reception. Thank you ESMO - Eur. Oncology for the great opportunity to get together #ESMO24 #ESMOAmbassadors Filipe Paixao

From #SanDiego #WCLC24 to #Barcelona for the #ESMO - European Society for Medical Oncology Congress 2024. Please find out more about : #ESMOCongress on esmo.org #ESMO24 #ESMO2024 FairLife Lung Cancer Care #EuropeanSocietyforMedicalOncology #LCSM #lungcancer #patientadvocacy