DIY #BrokenFolk experimentalists.
#TheMissingStar - #2 MOJO Top Ten Folk Albums 2021, ☆☆☆☆ Songlines
#Queer #Archival #FolkHorror
ID: 821786191607562246
https://lunatraktors.bandcamp.com/ 18-01-2017 18:27:50
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Next stop the 'slightly psychedelic' Septembersong, and then up to Birmingham and Sheffield! Only five tickets left for Sheffield, so if you fancy coming, book now... wegottickets.com/event/611361#t…

Sheffield tonight at the lovely Cafe#9 - last couple tickets left! And then... 17.9 Cambridge The Portland Arms 21.9 Margate @ARKcliftonville 26.9 Brighton The Folklore Rooms 5.10 London Cecil Sharp House Come see us!

Drop everything and listen to this. Dark delicious sounds. Go see them tonight in Cambridge with CrushingDeath&Grief: wegottickets.com/crushingdeatha… (And come see us in Cambridge at The Portland Arms on Tuesday: theportlandarms.co.uk/wp/event/lunat…)

Another beautiful, informative and unexpected episode of Folk on Foot! And by the way, we may have a little announcement regarding that august institution ourselves coming shortly....

Somehow missed the release of this warm, glitchy ambient gem from the inestimable Myles O'Reilly. It's melancholic and uplifting in equal measure — and sounds gorgeous even through bad speakers, which is quite a feat. The perfect soundtrack for all your autumnal doings.