Leeds Paediatric Neuropsychology Research (@lthpaedneurores) 's Twitter Profile
Leeds Paediatric Neuropsychology Research


The official Twitter feed for Leeds Paediatric Neuropsychology and our research.

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linkhttp://www.leedsth.nhs.uk/a-z-of-services/paediatric-psychology/paediatric-neuropsychology/ calendar_today07-03-2018 11:47:17

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Leeds Paediatric Neuropsychology Research (@lthpaedneurores) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🧠Have you checked out the #research discussion #podcasts 📣 The Lancet including Communicating with #children about life-threatening disease The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health #evidencebase 👂 thelancet.com/lancet/audio?s…

Epilepsy Action (@epilepsyaction) 's Twitter Profile Photo

If you're a carer for someone living with both epilepsy and a learning disability, our helpline team can support you with any questions or concerns you might have. You can get in touch through social media, email, or freephone 0808 800 5050. #LearningDisabilityWeek #LDWeek19

Prof Huw Williams (@huwwilliams19) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The consequences of traumatic brain injury from the classroom to the courtroom: understanding pathways through structural equation modelling. - PubMed - NCBI ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3128223…

IAPS PediatricStroke (@strokepediatric) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#PediatricStroke #FridayFact Did you know #stroke can happen to infants & unborn babies? See our fact sheet to learn what to look for...an early diagnosis can lead to a better outcome for these children. iapediatricstroke.org/2017.Infant.pdf

#PediatricStroke #FridayFact Did you know #stroke can happen to infants & unborn babies? See our fact sheet to learn what to look for...an early diagnosis can lead to a better outcome for these children. iapediatricstroke.org/2017.Infant.pdf
IAPS PediatricStroke (@strokepediatric) 's Twitter Profile Photo

More promising research findings for #pediatricstroke kids that show right brain - left brain reconfiguration for #language after left #brain damage from a perinatal #stroke. From Universitat de Barcelona published in SfN Journals eneuro.org/content/early/…

Leeds Paediatric Neuropsychology Research (@lthpaedneurores) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🧠 #Brain #FunFactFriday 📣 Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) typically used in neurological disorders involving movement #Parkinsons #tremor #dystonia alderhey.nhs.uk/services/paedi… check out 'Light me up!' #DBS used to treat patients with traumatic brain injury braininitiative.nih.gov/light-me

Neuro Rehab Times (@editornrtimes) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Children with a brain injury may seemingly recover but hidden challenges around word finding, sequencing, narrative skills and understanding ambiguous language can be deeply distressing without expert help, as childrenstrust explain here nrtimes.co.uk/higher-level-l…

Leeds Paediatric Neuropsychology Research (@lthpaedneurores) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🧠 Brain Fact Friday 🧠 PANS (Paediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome) is a neuropsychiatric condition which is triggered by a misdirected immune response which results in an inflammation of a child's brain. For more information, visit: panspandasuk.org/info

Leeds Paediatric Neuropsychology Research (@lthpaedneurores) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Epileptic seizures can occur due to excessive or synchronous neuronal activity in the brain. There are many different types of epileptic seizures. 🧠 To find out more please follow the link below 🧠 epilepsy.org.uk/info/seizures-…

Leeds Paediatric Neuropsychology Research (@lthpaedneurores) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Fantastic and inspiring SUDEP Action presentation at the Yorkshire Paediatric Epilepsy Clinical Network 2nd annual study day on 2nd December at Pinderfields Hospital. For more information visit: sudep.org.

Young Epilepsy (@youngepilepsy) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our #FridayThoughts are to all the incredible young people who face epilepsy every day, who continue to be positive despite the challenges they face. You guys are a true inspiration. Remember how strong and amazing you truly are! #EpilepsyPositivity 💜

Leeds Paediatric Neuropsychology Research (@lthpaedneurores) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🎉🧠Dr Jenny Oddy of the Leeds Paediatric Neuropsychology Research team in collaboration with colleagues has published another paper! 🧠🎉 To read the paper which reviews interventions to improve outcomes in CYP with unresponsive wakefulness syndrome following ABI, see: sciencedirect.com/science/articl…

Leeds Paediatric Neuropsychology Research (@lthpaedneurores) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Yesterday was #EpilepsyAwarenessDay. 💜 During these uncertain times, it is particularly important we look after each other. Here's a first aid guide on tonic-clonic seizures to help. For more information, visit epilepsy.org.uk and epilepsy.com.

Yesterday was #EpilepsyAwarenessDay. 💜

During these uncertain times, it is particularly important we look after each other. Here's a first aid guide on tonic-clonic seizures to help. 

For more information, visit epilepsy.org.uk and epilepsy.com.
Leeds Paediatric Neuropsychology Research (@lthpaedneurores) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The Paediatric Neuropsychology Team will be joining the country at 11am today in a minutes silence for the key workers who have died from Covid-19. Thank you to all risking their lives to care for those in need. 👏👏

The Paediatric Neuropsychology Team will be joining the country at 11am today in a minutes silence for the key workers who have died from Covid-19. Thank you to all risking their lives to care for those in need. 👏👏
Leeds Paediatric Neuropsychology Research (@lthpaedneurores) 's Twitter Profile Photo

April is #StressAwarenessMonth and StressManagementSoc have set up a 30 Day Challenge covering 'Regaining Connectivity, Certainty and Control' Find out more here: stress.org.uk/national-stres…

IAPS PediatricStroke (@strokepediatric) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Have you been impacted by #pediatricstroke & want direct support? The IAPS Support Network provides support in a one-on-one format, away from social media. This group of peers is ready to share lived experiences and resources via phone, text, or email. iapediatricstroke.org/iaps-support-n…