Leeds Paediatric Neuropsychology Research
The official Twitter feed for Leeds Paediatric Neuropsychology and our research.
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http://www.leedsth.nhs.uk/a-z-of-services/paediatric-psychology/paediatric-neuropsychology/ 07-03-2018 11:47:17
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🧠Have you checked out the #research discussion #podcasts 📣 The Lancet including Communicating with #children about life-threatening disease The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health #evidencebase 👂 thelancet.com/lancet/audio?s…

More promising research findings for #pediatricstroke kids that show right brain - left brain reconfiguration for #language after left #brain damage from a perinatal #stroke. From Universitat de Barcelona published in SfN Journals eneuro.org/content/early/…

🧠 #Brain #FunFactFriday 📣 Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) typically used in neurological disorders involving movement #Parkinsons #tremor #dystonia alderhey.nhs.uk/services/paedi… check out 'Light me up!' #DBS used to treat patients with traumatic brain injury braininitiative.nih.gov/light-me

Two fantastic speakers at this event - children with brain injury need better rehab and support! #highlyrecommend Chris Smith NABLES Emily Bennett Gemma Costello

Children with a brain injury may seemingly recover but hidden challenges around word finding, sequencing, narrative skills and understanding ambiguous language can be deeply distressing without expert help, as childrenstrust explain here nrtimes.co.uk/higher-level-l…

Today is #WorldMentalHealthDay Remember to look after your mental health. Please visit WorldMentalHealthDay for more information and support.

Fantastic and inspiring SUDEP Action presentation at the Yorkshire Paediatric Epilepsy Clinical Network 2nd annual study day on 2nd December at Pinderfields Hospital. For more information visit: sudep.org.

🎉🧠Dr Jenny Oddy of the Leeds Paediatric Neuropsychology Research team in collaboration with colleagues has published another paper! 🧠🎉 To read the paper which reviews interventions to improve outcomes in CYP with unresponsive wakefulness syndrome following ABI, see: sciencedirect.com/science/articl…

April is #StressAwarenessMonth and StressManagementSoc have set up a 30 Day Challenge covering 'Regaining Connectivity, Certainty and Control' Find out more here: stress.org.uk/national-stres…

A stroke can happen at any age. Check out Stroke Association 's childhood stroke guide below. #StrokeAwarenessMonth stroke.org.uk/resources/chil…

Have you been impacted by #pediatricstroke & want direct support? The IAPS Support Network provides support in a one-on-one format, away from social media. This group of peers is ready to share lived experiences and resources via phone, text, or email. iapediatricstroke.org/iaps-support-n…