Logan Molyneux
Not the greatest newspaperman ever. Professor at @TUKleincollege
ID: 14750886
https://klein.temple.edu/faculty/logan-molyneux 12-05-2008 22:27:04
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Our book the Paradox of Connection is finally out thanks to Illinois Press Diana Bossio Logan Molyneux Avery Holton! You can now pre-order it. We are free to come talk in your institution + are looking forward to discussing more what this book is about... press.uillinois.edu/books/?id=p087…

I dunno if this thing still works like it used to, but lexi haskell and I are studying what journalists miss about Twitter and I'm looking for interview subjects. If you're a working journalist and willing to chat, please reply; otherwise, consider retweeting? For old times sake

As the news industry's march away from legacy formats continues, I hope scholars and media execs alike will consider what we've learned so far from the research about news on smartphones. Conveniently, my thoughts (with lexi haskell) were just published. taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/…

Tomorrow, Jake Blumgart and I are doing a Reddit AMA about return-to-office plans, hybrid arrangements, and the future of work in Philly. Join us and bring questions reddit.com/r/philadelphia…

THE PARADOX OF CONNECTION examines how journalists’ practices are formed, negotiated, & maintained in dynamic social media environments. #newbook by Diana Bossio Valérie Bélair-Gagnon Avery Holton Logan Molyneux now available! go.illinois.edu/s24bossio

NEW #JMCQReview🚨A timely read for those of us at end of term😅, Diana Bossio Valérie Bélair-Gagnon Avery Holton and Logan Molyneux's book pulls back the veil on the importance and means of disconnection. Read the JMCQ review by Signe Ivask, PhD: journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/10… Newspaper & Online News Division of AEJMC

The The New York Times headline says Trump leads in five states, Biden in one, but the chart shows him leading in only two states; the rest are within the margin of error and it's too close to determine a leader. nytimes.com/2024/05/13/us/…

🚨 Our book on journalists social media disconnection is on sale 50% off with the code ICA24! #ICA24 Diana Bossio Avery Holton Logan Molyneux Illinois Press press.uillinois.edu/books/?id=p087…

Thrilled to announce that the special issue on social media journalism, edited by Michael Opgenhaffen and myself, has finally been published in Journalism Studies! See the thread below for more information and check out the full issue with all nine articles here: tandfonline.com/toc/rjos20/25/9

Thanks to Domenico Montanaro for your accuracy in stating a new poll’s results fall within the margin of error and can’t be interpreted to say either candidate is leading the race. Stats grade: A+ npr.org/2024/07/12/nx-…

It's official: Michael Opgenhaffen and I are editing a book on Research Methods for Social Media Journalism (and that's the title right there)! The book is set to be published in 2025 within the Routledge Research in Journalism series: routledge.com/Routledge-Rese…

Job Alert 👇 School: Temple University Klein College Position: James B. Steele Chair in Journalism Innovation aejmc.org/jobads/?p=20120 #AejmcJobs #JobAd