Lisa Plotkin
Head of Policy & Influence at the Florence Nightingale Foundation. New Yorker in London. All views my own
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19-07-2016 16:39:31
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Great day spent at #FNFHackathon. So much to consider and use to make a difference to people's lives with the HEF. Thank you all! Florence Nightingale Foundation Improvement Cymru CapgeminiUK Becky (she/her) Ruth Wyn Williams RNLD🏴

We are delighted to reveal this year’s Lamp Carrier & the two Lamp Escorts at the Florence Nightingale Commemoration Service. Find out in our news story below, plus more about the event and why it's so special for #nursing & #midwifery. florence-nightingale-foundation.org.uk/the-florence-n…

Full packed room Council of Deans of Health with so much scheduled for the day from simulation in practice, racism in placements, apprenticeships and sustainability to name a few. Most importantly, so many network opportunities #CoDHConference Florence Nightingale Foundation Lisa Plotkin Liz Fenton OBE RN, QN

Really proud to be working for Florence Nightingale Foundation with an amazing team of experts and beautiful humans - always enthused by our work & the impact nurses & midwives can have on national & international policies! Jane Lennon Lisa Plotkin Jess Sainsbury RN 💙 Becky (she/her)

🎉Today is #IDM2024 🫄 and we're delighted to share a blog from members of the FNF community who are incredible midwifery leaders: Yana Richens OBE PhD MPhil MSc BSc RN RGN A Sierra 🌍 & Nafiza Anwar FRCM MSc MA BSc BScM RGN RM 💙. ➡️ florence-nightingale-foundation.org.uk/celebrating-mi… Liverpool Women's West Herts Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust @midwivesASAM #FNF90at90 #FNFLeadershipImpact

#IND2024 highlights the importance of investing in nurses’ development all year round. The new “What Do You Stand For,” report provides actionable insights on how nurses & midwives can drive change & innovation in healthcare. ElsevierNursingEducation florence-nightingale-foundation.org.uk/what-do-you-st…

So proud to have helped pull this report together, based on the experiences and insights of Florence Nightingale Foundation alumni & members.

It’s been a phenomenal week and I am oh SO PROUD of the wonderful team at Florence Nightingale Foundation for the incredible work that they do every day to support and celebrate our outstanding #Nursing and #Midwifery communities Take a bow all of you because you are simply the best #TeamFNF

We were delighted to host Health and Social Care Secretary Victoria Atkins at the Florence Nightingale Commemoration Service at Westminster Abbey last week; MP for our #FNFAcademyMember NHS United Lincs. Read the full news story: florence-nightingale-foundation.org.uk/florence-night…

Florence Nightingale Foundation Prof Greta Westwood CBE PhD Registered Nurse Prof Gemma Stacey (She/Her) Jess Sainsbury RN 💙 Simon Gillespie Becky (she/her) Lisa Plotkin Debbie Preston 💙🤍 Forever grateful to Florence Nightingale Foundation for my first research grant back in 2015, which helped pave the way to me becoming a CEO. What a fabulous organisation! 🎉

What do the manifestos say about healthcare sustainability? Read this blog from our Head of Policy Lisa Plotkin, which includes a call from our Sustainability SEG about how nurses can be more involved in tackling climate change: tinyurl.com/25ktp7hp

I’ve had the best time at the Celebration Day for the Florence Nightingale Foundation FNF Early Careers Early Career Leadership Course Cannot recommend this course enough, I’ve learnt so much about myself and leadership, and met some lovely people along the way #FNF #FNFEarlyCareers

What an important and crucial framework from Sigma Nursing - V.Prof Joanne Bosanquet MBE RN FRCN FQNI 🏳️🌈 talks to the need of having this framework and its importance! Check it out here: sigmanursing.org/global-nursing… Florence Nightingale Foundation Lisa Plotkin Liz Fenton OBE RN, QN Dr Liz Westcott Becky (she/her)

Proud to introduce Rohit Sagoo QN as a Florence Nightingale Foundation scholar supported by Sigma Nursing talking about #ReStartCampaign Leslie Gelling Dr Liz Westcott Debbie Preston 💙🤍 Lisa Plotkin Dani

🗳️Got a taste for #voting? FNF Innovation SEG Co-Chair Becky (she/her) is sharing exciting news of an #innovation related initiative opening next week. And we have a #competition to help us find a new #name for it. Vote in the poll below - or comment to make your own suggestion.

Another visit to Jersey to delivery a #QualityImprovement in practice session As always #MrPotatoHead brought it all together for the participants #LeadingChange #LeadershipDevelopment Florence Nightingale Foundation