Liam Dougherty
Research Fellow @LivUni_IVES | Studies mate choice, sexual conflict and animal genitalia | Uses moths, meta-analysis and micro-CT
ID: 2842008995
https://liamrdougherty.weebly.com/ 23-10-2014 16:03:13
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How vulnerable are amphibians to global warming? 🐸🌡️ In this new preprint @EcoEvoRxiv, we aimed to answer this question at truly global scales 🌍 doi.org/10.32942/X2T02T A thread 🧵(1/27)

Out now: our meta analysis on male ejaculate aging in non human animals Nature Communications Link to press release bit.ly/3Hl4o7S w/ Krish Sanghvi Shinichi Nakagawa | 中川震一 Sam Gascoigne Sheri Johnson Rob Salguero-Gómez Tom Pizzari İrem Sepil Link to paper doi.org/10.1038/s41467… Brief summary here👇

Looking for a three year fellowship in Zoology, Biodiversity, Conservation, etc? We have a funded opportunity for you Science at Sheffield Ecology and Evolutionary Biology tinyurl.com/344y4m3v

New paper out in Journal of Experimental Biology: heatwaves reduce reproductive output, but not survival, in male field crickets. journals.biologists.com/jeb/article-ab…

Firebug (Pyrrhocoris apterus), one of several observed today on allotment at Deal, Kent. In the UK this strikingly attractive insect is particularly associated with Tree Mallow and Lime trees.🌳 Kent Field Club Buglife Kent Wildlife Trust The British Nature Guide Royal Entomological Society Little Green Space 🐝

My first day City of Edmonton University of Alberta - here to create a Centre for Open Science & Synthesis in #Ecology & #Evolution. Looking for ~5 postdocs to join me in establishing the centre. Please apply - i-deel.org/opportunities.… Please RT

A review of reviews (#metaanalysis) - a masterpiece led by Pietro Pollo - putting together 152 meta-analyses on sexual selection onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/br… Get a glimpse into the wonderful world of sexual selection and its biases and issues - giving hints to the future work.