Laura Kinsella (@laurakinsellahp) 's Twitter Profile
Laura Kinsella


🌼 Health Promotion & Improvement Officer
🏠 HSE Community Healthcare East

ID: 1468601908499779589

calendar_today08-12-2021 15:22:54

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151 Following

Laura Kinsella (@laurakinsellahp) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Delivered the final in-person school training of Know the Score for 2023 in Blackrock E.C. with Shane Lee πŸ‘©β€πŸ« Know there Score is an evidence based resource on alcohol and drugs for senior cycle students (15-18yrs) πŸ“š HSE Community Healthcare East Healthy Schools

Delivered the final in-person school training of Know the Score for 2023 in <a href="/blackrockec/">Blackrock E.C.</a> with <a href="/ShaneLeeTr/">Shane Lee</a>  πŸ‘©β€πŸ«

Know there Score is an evidence based resource on alcohol and drugs for senior cycle students (15-18yrs) πŸ“š

<a href="/Ch6East/">HSE Community Healthcare East</a> <a href="/HSEschoolsteam/">Healthy Schools</a>