Laila Rashidi
Colorectal Surgeon
ID: 763071810325929988
09-08-2016 17:57:51
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#ASCRS2023 Advances Techniques in Colorectal Surgery Symposium with Amazing surgeon ,talented , great friend Melissa I. Chang | 張愛文 MD, FACS, FASCRS discussing about managing difficult cases in MIS fashion #ASCRS2023 Mark Soliman, MD, FACS, FASCRS SurgeOn Intuitive

Great talk by Gaby Vargas, MD, MS about “Things I wish i knew in my first year of Practice “ #ASCRS2023

Present and future of colorectal surgery is getting brighter and brighter! #womensurgeons Patricia Sylla Laila Rashidi Melissa I. Chang | 張愛文 MD, FACS, FASCRS Sue J Hahn MD SAGES is in Long Beach in 2025! ASCRS_1 SSAT

Join us SRS 2022, Melbourne Australia, July 24-26th. An amazing robotic conf with Dr Vipul Patel as the exec director & founding member & Dr Marty Martino as current president. There’s a virtual option. To Register: lnkd.in/eav2avZn SAGES is in Long Beach in 2025! Assoc4AcademicSurgery

Its time not to just perform elective cases but also emergent cases in MIS fashion. In the correct setting and comfort level of surgeon technical skills link.springer.com/article/10.100… Intuitive #MISsurgeon #womeninsurgery #acutecaresurgery American College of Surgeons SAGES is in Long Beach in 2025! ASCRS_1

Great talk by Dr. Alisa Coker, M.D. discussing about Robotic surgery education working group . It’s key for education #RSC2023 Yusef Kudsi

It was a great honor to be part of a great meeting #RSC2023 and talking about my passion in women in surgery and advanced ERAS . Thank you Yusef Kudsi for setting up such amazing meeting for all of us !

🗓️ Save the Date: 'Da Vinci Colectomy for Diverticulitis; Across the Complexity Spectrum' Nov30 at 8am (EST) on aischannel.com/live-surgery/d… with Rahila Essani MD FACS FASCRS Thiru Lakshman Laila Rashidi Steven D Wexner MD, PhD and discover the surgery of the future! Intuitive #DaVinciSurgery #SaveTheDate 🌐🕗

Mark your calendar for this panel on surgical management of diverticular disease with the DaVinci Robot! Steven D Wexner MD, PhD Laila Rashidi Thiru Lakshman AIS Channel

IT'S TIME! for an electrifying session: Da Vinci Colectomy for Diverticulitis; Across the Complexity Spectrum, Today at 8am EST, for FREE on aischannel.com/live-surgery/d… with Rahila Essani MD FACS FASCRS Thiru Lakshman Laila Rashidi Steven D Wexner MD, PhD Don't miss it Intuitive #AISChannel #IamAIS

Don’t forget to register for #SRS2024❗️ More info below 🙂— this years meeting will be jam packed with the latest technology‼️Bring the whole family 🌴 Walt Disney World 🫶😍 Mark Soliman, MD, FACS, FASCRS SRS LATINOAMERICA Eduardo Parra Davila Armando Melani Society of Robotic Surgery | SRS SAGES is in Long Beach in 2025! ASCRS_1 European Society of Coloproctology

If you plan to be in Baltimore for ASCRS come join us for a dinner talk on Sunday night to learn about da Vinci 5! You can register to attend by clicking this link: cvent.me/Z08EXa Laila Rashidi Mark Soliman, MD, FACS, FASCRS CRSVirtualEd

Join us for another lively Da Vinci robotic symposium live from ASCRS_1 meeting in Baltimore Mark Soliman, MD, FACS, FASCRS Laila Rashidi Melissa I. Chang | 張愛文 MD, FACS, FASCRS Todd Bogdan Protyniak Intuitive #Roboticcolorectalsurgery