The Cancer & Inflammation Laboratory @ONJCRI led by Prof. Matthias Ernst | Exploring novel ways to target communication between tumour & normal cells in #cancer
ID: 1509828202532802564
https://www.onjcri.org.au/our-research/cancer-and-inflammation-laboratory/ 01-04-2022 09:41:18
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Congrats Ashleigh Poh Ernst_Lab ONJ Cancer Research Institute and all involved. So good to see this out! Science Advances

Therapeutic inhibition of the SRC-kinase HCK facilitates T cell tumor infiltration and improves response to immunotherapy. Congratulations Ashleigh Poh Ernst_Lab ONJ Cancer Research Institute GI Cancer Institute and AGITG science.org/doi/10.1126/sc…

Therapeutic inhibition of the SRC-kinase HCK facilitates T cell tumor infiltration and improves response to #immunotherapy Ashleigh Poh Ernst_Lab ONJ Cancer Research Institute GI Cancer Institute and AGITG Science Advances The Innovation | Medicine #CancerResearch #immunology #health #MedTwitter science.org/doi/10.1126/sc…

Led by Dr. Ashleigh Poh, Dr. Matthias Ernst's group (Ernst_Lab) at ONJ Cancer Research Institute suggests that targeting HCK activity enhances response to #immunotherapy by stimulating immune cell activation and inhibiting the immunosuppressive tumor #microenvironment. 📝 bit.ly/3yfDrPe

Our first speaker of the day is Moritz from Ernst_Lab ONJ Cancer Research Institute speaking about STAT3 signalling in cancer! #LIMSFS22 La Trobe Institute for Molecular Science

Next we have Rhynelle Dmello from Ernst_Lab ONJ Cancer Research Institute presenting her work on STAT3 inhibitors of chemotherapy #LIMSFS22 La Trobe Institute for Molecular Science

Dr. Kellie Mouchemore presenting her talk on myeloid cell heterogeneity in breast cancer at MIN Reconnect Symposium. WEHI (Walter and Eliza Hall Institute) MelbImmunoNetwork

Dr. Lisa Mielke presenting her talk “TCF-1 is a potent checkpoint in colorectal cancer tumour immunity” at MIN Reconnect Symposium. Lisa Mielke MelbImmunoNetwork WEHI (Walter and Eliza Hall Institute)

Dr Lisa Mielke from ONJ Cancer Research Institute La Trobe University is interested in whether T cells in the intra-epithelial layers of the gut are unique.

Dr. Ajith Vasanthakumar presents his talk on targeting tissue resident Tregs for cancer immunotherapy at the MIN Reconnect Symposium. Ajith Vasanthakumar WEHI (Walter and Eliza Hall Institute) MelbImmunoNetwork

Great to welcome the Australian Federal Assistant Minister for Health & Aged Care, Ged Kearney , & CEO of OCRF Australia, Lucinda Nolan, for a visit & tour of the labs at the ONJ Cancer Research Institute. We appreciate your support & enthusiasm of our medical researchers & #cancer research.

Thanks to the NBCF Australia for funding this important research. #breastcancer ONJ Cancer Research Institute

Vale Olivia and thank you for your love & support! Olivia Newton-John Olivia was a tireless advocate for Cancer care, research and patient wellness. Here are some scenes from the history of the ONJCancerCentre ONJ Cancer Research Institute instagram.com/p/ChBfQzKps_w/…

Deeply saddened by the loss of Olivia. A beacon of hope to many impacted by cancer; her enthusiasm for life outweighed any challenges she faced. I'll always treasure our time together ONJ Cancer Research Institute, & the positivity & grace that came with her presence. We miss you Olivia, love & light.

Yesterday's first stop at 32km at Jamieson, 91km/day 1 safely completed. 230km to go Everybody is happy and (still) pumped. VIC discovery tour 2023 Tour De Cure supporting cancer research ONJ Cancer Research Institute Your support is greatly appreciated! Link to donate: protect-au.mimecast.com/s/XBjKCL7EEXSv…

📢 New Publication 📢 We are thrilled to announce a new publication in Cell Reports, led by Drs. Moritz Eissmann Moritz Eissmann, Anne Huber, and Amr Allam Amr Allam! This study investigated the roles of KRAS, PI3K, and TP53 mutations in gastric cancer progression Read more👇