ID: 1656649848957853697
11-05-2023 13:18:22
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Eritrean solders rounding up men/kids/older people that are from #Tigray Till this day we are unable to locate our family taken by the regime of Eritrea! Leaders must force #EritreanTroopsOutOfTigray SNEAKO Khalissee Joule Sullivan / The Sartorial Shooter Sulaiman Ahmed Gistlovers.blog1 Human Rights Watch

Amid growing violence in Ethiopia, thousands are held for ransom, many not making it out alive. The world must act to end the chaos in #Tigray. Demand global attention now! Moussa Faki Mahamat EU Council AM@UN #EritreanTroopsOutOfTigray #Justice4Tigray france24.com/en/live-news/2…

‘I experienced horrific things’ said Ethiopian woman, abducted &assaulted. With kidnappers exploiting instability in #Tigray international support must bring safety. Martin Kimani Harold Adlai Agyeman Michel Xavier BIANG #EritreanTroopsOutOfTigray #Justice4Tigray france24.com/en/live-news/2…

Entire regions in Ethiopia are suffering as kidnappings surge. Armed groups are exploiting the instability in #Tigray. Let’s urge world leaders to help restore peace & security! Mike Hammer AM@UN United Nations Human Rights Council | 📍#HRC57 #EritreanTroopsOutOfTigray #Justice4Tigray france24.com/en/live-news/2…

Kidnappings in Ethiopia have reached an epidemic level, with innocent civilians like Aynalem enduring horrific violence. It's time for world leaders to address the security vacuum in #Tigray Mick Wallace AFP News Agency #EritreanTroopsOutOfTigray #Justice4Tigray france24.com/en/live-news/2…

Those who participated at the #PretoriaAgreement must be firm on implementing the agreement: Martin Kimani Harold Adlai Agyeman Michel Xavier BIANG African Union United Nations Human Rights Council | 📍#HRC57 Moussa Faki Mahamat #UpholdPretoriaAgreement The perpetrators must leave #Tigray #EritreanTroopsOutOfTigray

We are on the brink of despair.’ Thousands in #Tigray face life without aid, as humanitarian efforts wane. Will the world listen? #TigrayNeedsHelp #BringBackHomeTigrayRefugees In Defense of Christians (IDC) AFP News Agency John James Human Rights Watch House Republicans #UpholdPretoriaAgreement globalnation.inquirer.net/245099/waiting…

#Tigray hosts the highest number of displaced people in Ethiopia, yet aid is scarce. Families are losing hope. #RefugeesWelcome CNN International CNN Africa BBC Breaking News BBC News Africa @HRW Al Jazeera PR Amnesty International #UpholdPretoriaAgreement #BringBackHomeTigrayRefugees globalnation.inquirer.net/245099/waiting…

+600,000 lives lost, +2.6million displaced & the struggle persists. #Tigray’s war may be over, but the pain is far from gone. #NeverForget FRANCE 24 English NBC News The New York Times News24 🇿🇦 The Report by NBC News IOL News #UpholdPretoriaAgreement #BringBackHomeTigrayRefugees globalnation.inquirer.net/245099/waiting…

The deliberate destruction of #Tigray's sacred treasures is a war crime! The world must respond now. United Nations European Commission VICE UNESCO Eastern Africa World Food Programme #Justice4TigrayGenocide africanarguments.org/2024/09/the-de…

#Tigray’s heritage has been deliberately targeted—this cannot go unnoticed! Pope Francis UNESCO en français Karim A. A. Khan KC Assita Kanko MEP Human Rights Watch #TigrayHeritageCleansing #Justice4TigrayGenocide africanarguments.org/2024/09/the-de…

The rich heritage of the Axum Obelisks is being wiped out by war. Preservation is critical! Department of State UNESCO Eastern Africa United Nations EU Council #TigrayHeritageCleansing africanarguments.org/2024/09/the-de…

#Tigray’s cultural identity is under siege. The international community must protect it! @ICOMOfficiel UNPFII UN Treaty Bodies HISTORY UN Humanitarian #TigrayHeritageCleansing #Justice4TigrayGenocide africanarguments.org/2024/09/the-de…

#Tigrayan manuscripts, thousands of years old, stolen and sold! We need justice! Int'l Criminal Court Ernesto Ottone R. MuseumofIslamicArt Karim A. A. Khan KC EU Civil Protection & Humanitarian Aid 🇪🇺 #TigrayHeritageCleansing #Justice4TigrayGenocide africanarguments.org/2024/09/the-de…

#Tigray’s sacred sites, libraries, and churches are being erased from history. Act now! United Nations European Commission Educational & Cultural Affairs—U.S. Dept. of State Department of State UNESCO 🏛️ #Education #Sciences #Culture 🇺🇳 EU Council #TigrayHeritageCleansing africanarguments.org/2024/09/the-de…

The looting of ancient artifacts and destruction of historical sites must be recognized as a war crime, and we must advocate for justice and protection of cultural heritage. #Justice4TigrayGenocide africanarguments.org/2024/09/the-de… U.S. Embassy Addis Getachew K Reda Department of State HISTORY