KOKEB TIGRAY3 (@kokeb_3) 's Twitter Profile



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calendar_today11-05-2023 13:18:22

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RamaAksum (@ansebafreedom) 's Twitter Profile Photo

❤️💛እንቋዕ ንበዓል መስቀል ኣብፃሃኩም ደቂ ሃገረይ❤️💛 ንሃርን ንስመር✊✊✊

❤️💛እንቋዕ ንበዓል መስቀል ኣብፃሃኩም ደቂ ሃገረይ❤️💛
ንሃርን ንስመር✊✊✊
ሄሉ ጓል ሸረ🔰💔🖤😥 (@heav_en1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Eritrean solders rounding up men/kids/older people that are from #Tigray Till this day we are unable to locate our family taken by the regime of Eritrea! Leaders must force #EritreanTroopsOutOfTigray SNEAKO Khalissee Joule Sullivan / The Sartorial Shooter Sulaiman Ahmed Gistlovers.blog1 Human Rights Watch

ሄሉ ጓል ሸረ🔰💔🖤😥 (@heav_en1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Amid growing violence in Ethiopia, thousands are held for ransom, many not making it out alive. The world must act to end the chaos in #Tigray. Demand global attention now! Moussa Faki Mahamat EU Council AM@UN #EritreanTroopsOutOfTigray #Justice4Tigray france24.com/en/live-news/2…

ሄሉ ጓል ሸረ🔰💔🖤😥 (@heav_en1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

‘I experienced horrific things’ said Ethiopian woman, abducted &assaulted. With kidnappers exploiting instability in #Tigray international support must bring safety. Martin Kimani Harold Adlai Agyeman Michel Xavier BIANG #EritreanTroopsOutOfTigray #Justice4Tigray france24.com/en/live-news/2…

ሄሉ ጓል ሸረ🔰💔🖤😥 (@heav_en1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Entire regions in Ethiopia are suffering as kidnappings surge. Armed groups are exploiting the instability in #Tigray. Let’s urge world leaders to help restore peace & security! Mike Hammer AM@UN United Nations Human Rights Council | 📍#HRC57 #EritreanTroopsOutOfTigray #Justice4Tigray france24.com/en/live-news/2…

ሄሉ ጓል ሸረ🔰💔🖤😥 (@heav_en1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

In Ethiopia, families are being forced into crippling debt to save loved ones from kidnappers. Many don't survive. We cannot turn a blind eye to the crisis in #Tigray—global intervention is needed now! ICRC #EritreanTroopsOutOfTigray #Justice4Tigray france24.com/en/live-news/2…

ሄሉ ጓል ሸረ🔰💔🖤😥 (@heav_en1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Kidnappings in Ethiopia have reached an epidemic level, with innocent civilians like Aynalem enduring horrific violence. It's time for world leaders to address the security vacuum in #Tigray Mick Wallace AFP News Agency #EritreanTroopsOutOfTigray #Justice4Tigray france24.com/en/live-news/2…

ሄሉ ጓል ሸረ🔰💔🖤😥 (@heav_en1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We are on the brink of despair.’ Thousands in #Tigray face life without aid, as humanitarian efforts wane. Will the world listen? #TigrayNeedsHelp #BringBackHomeTigrayRefugees In Defense of Christians (IDC) AFP News Agency John James Human Rights Watch House Republicans #UpholdPretoriaAgreement globalnation.inquirer.net/245099/waiting…

ሄሉ ጓል ሸረ🔰💔🖤😥 (@heav_en1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#Tigray hosts the highest number of displaced people in Ethiopia, yet aid is scarce. Families are losing hope. #RefugeesWelcome CNN International CNN Africa BBC Breaking News BBC News Africa @HRW Al Jazeera PR Amnesty International #UpholdPretoriaAgreement #BringBackHomeTigrayRefugees globalnation.inquirer.net/245099/waiting…

ሄሉ ጓል ሸረ🔰💔🖤😥 (@heav_en1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

+600,000 lives lost, +2.6million displaced & the struggle persists. #Tigray’s war may be over, but the pain is far from gone. #NeverForget FRANCE 24 English NBC News The New York Times News24 🇿🇦 The Report by NBC News IOL News #UpholdPretoriaAgreement #BringBackHomeTigrayRefugees globalnation.inquirer.net/245099/waiting…

Neba (@neba_tdf) 's Twitter Profile Photo

ንመስቀለይ ንመስቀለይ🎹 ድርብ ከበሮ ሃዛለይ💛❤️ እንኩውዓ አብፃሀኩም #Tegaru #Tigryan #TDF

ከርከበዴል💛❤️ (@tigray_19) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#Tigray’s cultural identity is under siege. The international community must protect it! @ICOMOfficiel UNPFII UN Treaty Bodies HISTORY UN Humanitarian #TigrayHeritageCleansing #Justice4TigrayGenocide africanarguments.org/2024/09/the-de…

Yemane (@yema22479) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The looting of ancient artifacts and destruction of historical sites must be recognized as a war crime, and we must advocate for justice and protection of cultural heritage. #Justice4TigrayGenocide africanarguments.org/2024/09/the-de… U.S. Embassy Addis Getachew K Reda Department of State HISTORY

KOKEB TIGRAY3 (@kokeb_3) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Aluma🦋 ♥️🎈🌺♥️🎈🌺♥️🎈I wish you happy and wonderful birthday to you Sis ♥️🎈🌺♥️🎈🌺♥️🎈🌺እንቋዕ ተወለድኪ እንቋዕዉን ናትና ኮንኪ እግዚአብሄር ነዊሕ ዕድመን ጥዒናን ይሃብኪ መፃኢኺ ብሩህን ብሩኽን ይኹን መግለፂ አልቦ ዋዕሮ ሐፍተይ ♥️🎈🌺♥️🎈🌺♥️🎈🌺♥️

<a href="/Aluma_GM/">Aluma🦋</a> ♥️🎈🌺♥️🎈🌺♥️🎈I wish you happy and wonderful  birthday to you Sis ♥️🎈🌺♥️🎈🌺♥️🎈🌺እንቋዕ ተወለድኪ እንቋዕዉን ናትና ኮንኪ እግዚአብሄር ነዊሕ ዕድመን ጥዒናን ይሃብኪ መፃኢኺ ብሩህን ብሩኽን ይኹን መግለፂ አልቦ ዋዕሮ ሐፍተይ ♥️🎈🌺♥️🎈🌺♥️🎈🌺♥️