Kerenza moulton
ID: 588909215
24-05-2012 07:09:08
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Great opportunity to celebrate all things paeds MTC Claire Kelly Kate Laats

Very proud of one of our staff nurses representing Cardiff and discussing the importance of communication in EOL care on PICU! #PCCS2023 Children and Women's Nichola davies suzanne Kerenza moulton Carris

Our wonderful Keith won the short oral presentation award!!! 🙌🏼🎉Congratulations Keith, we are all so proud of you and can’t wait to see how you develop your research! Cardiff and Vale University Health Board Children and Women's suzanne Kerenza moulton @rimalsamsam #PCCS2023 #cardiffpicu Nichola davies Carris

Glad you both enjoyed well deserved x @noahsarkcharity Children and Women's Samuel Barrett

Really excited- just 11 days till our paediatric nursing focused recruitment event. Please help spread the word Cardiff and Vale University Health Board Children and Women's @noahsarkcharity Siji Salimkutty ACP

Fantastic care for some of the vulnerable babies Cardiff and Vale University Health Board Jason Roberts Kylie003 #WorldPrematurityDay2023

Proud to be part of a team of amazing people providing care to these special babies and their families. #WorldPrematurityDay2023 Kerenza moulton Jason Roberts Cardiff and Vale University Health Board Abigail holmes

Children’s Hospital For Wales - student streamlining event !!!@Jas_Roberts10 rebecca aylward andy jones Samuel Barrett Children and Women's

The red carpet is out again in The Children’s Hospital For Wales for international nurses day Cardiff and Vale University Health Board Children and Women's Samuel Barrett Jason Roberts

Starts next Tuesday at 9pm on BBC Wales 🏴 and BBC iPlayer Cardiff and Vale University Health Board