Keegan Krupp
|Westfield high-school 2025| Olb/ILB#32|Midfield/Attack#17|6,2 205lbs|3.73GPA|4.6 40 yard dash|[email protected]|317-995-0299|
ID: 1439627367589335043
http://www.hudl.com/v/2Me48j 19-09-2021 16:28:16
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Glad to be mentioned in Indy Stars article. Ready for week 4 at Noblesville. 3-0☘️☘️ IndyStarSports Prep Redzone Indiana Josh Miracle Jake Gilbert Jon Dupont Dave Marquis Kevin Kane Bill Brechin Chuck Martin CoachKnowles Rory Mannering Kyle Neddenriep