Kate Alderton RD (@kealderton123) 's Twitter Profile
Kate Alderton RD


Nutrition Support Dietitian at Ashford and St Peters NHS Trust. Interests in intensive care nutrition, perioperative nutrition, parenteral and enteral feeding.

ID: 915275027888648192

calendar_today03-10-2017 17:59:06

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Kate Alderton RD (@kealderton123) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thank you Fiona Huddy for a really interesting session on the challenges of ERAS in OG surgery. To jej or not to jej? Where does ERAS end? #BAPEN2022

Thank you <a href="/HuddyFiona/">Fiona Huddy</a> for a really interesting session on the challenges of ERAS in OG surgery. To jej or not to jej? Where does ERAS end? #BAPEN2022