KCL Psych Soc
Medical students promoting Psychiatry. Follow us on Facebook too!
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http://linktr.ee/kclpsychiatrysoc 15-11-2012 00:25:11
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We're just starting the #NSPC23 with a welcome from Adrian James and Ali, Co-President of KCL Psych Soc. The these is 10 years back, 10 years forward so a lot to think about!

Wonderful to hear from Dr Sally Bramley MBBS iBSc DipIM IFMCP Dip IBLM at the #NSPC23 hosted by KCL Psych Soc

Now hearing from Charlotte Wilson Jones who was absolutely integral for us in putting together #NSPC23 #choosepsychiatry

Hearing from Simon Wessely on dispelling common myths around psychiatry and the mind body divide that still exists between physical and mental health service provision #NSPC23 #choosepsychiatry

Subodh Dave ☘️🌻🌞 Humanising Medicine is keeping the energy going at #NSPC23 taking about his career and fight to #ChoosePsychiatry KCL Psych Soc

Thank you for inviting me KCL Psych Soc! I always think back very fondly about the years I was part of the society as ultimately it was the reason I chose psychiatry… hope the #NSPC2023 was inspiration for others Choose Psychiatry

Exhausted, humbled, exceedingly grateful, proud, and thoroughly blessed to have led this year's National Student Psychiatry Conference, on behalf of KCL Psych Soc honouring the 10 years since students at KCL kicked the whole journey off in 2013. What a ride. Choose Psychiatry #NSPC23

Join us next week for another Great Minds Lecture! Learn from PhD students about the fascinating research that they are doing at Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience. All IoPPN students are welcome to attend & learn from some of our very own Great Minds💡 Register for an invite: forms.office.com/pages/response…

Representing KCL Psychiatry and other mental health careers at St Marylebone School careers fair today!

Join us today at 6 PM with George Ikkos for a talk on ‘Asylum, Community and Meta-Community’ #psychiatry teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/…

Hi all, we are hosting the legendary Dr. Gwen Adshead tomorrow in an online event. In addition to being an incredibly experienced forensic psychiatrist she is also a bestselling author of the book “The Devil You Know”. Please join if you can and share! eur03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/ap/t-59584e83/…