KCL Psych Soc (@kclpsychsoc) 's Twitter Profile
KCL Psych Soc


Medical students promoting Psychiatry. Follow us on Facebook too!

ID: 948763351

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Choose Psychiatry (@choose_psych) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We're just starting the #NSPC23 with a welcome from Adrian James and Ali, Co-President of KCL Psych Soc. The these is 10 years back, 10 years forward so a lot to think about!

We're just starting the #NSPC23 with a welcome from <a href="/DrAdrianJames/">Adrian James</a> and Ali, Co-President of <a href="/KCLPsychSoc/">KCL Psych Soc</a>. The these is 10 years back, 10 years forward so a lot to think about!
KCL Psych Soc (@kclpsychsoc) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Nick, peer recovery trainee and patient representative telling his story about his interaction with the forensic system and mental health experience #NSPC23

Nick, peer recovery trainee and patient representative telling his story about his interaction with the forensic system and mental health experience #NSPC23
KCL Psych Soc (@kclpsychsoc) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hearing from Simon Wessely on dispelling common myths around psychiatry and the mind body divide that still exists between physical and mental health service provision #NSPC23 #choosepsychiatry

Lucía Almazán Sánchez (@luciaalmazansan) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thank you for inviting me KCL Psych Soc! I always think back very fondly about the years I was part of the society as ultimately it was the reason I chose psychiatry… hope the #NSPC2023 was inspiration for others Choose Psychiatry

Ali Gibson (@aless3g) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Exhausted, humbled, exceedingly grateful, proud, and thoroughly blessed to have led this year's National Student Psychiatry Conference, on behalf of KCL Psych Soc honouring the 10 years since students at KCL kicked the whole journey off in 2013. What a ride. Choose Psychiatry #NSPC23

Exhausted, humbled, exceedingly grateful, proud, and thoroughly blessed to have led this year's National Student Psychiatry Conference, on behalf of <a href="/KCLPsychSoc/">KCL Psych Soc</a> honouring the 10 years since students at KCL kicked the whole journey off in 2013. What a ride.
<a href="/Choose_Psych/">Choose Psychiatry</a> #NSPC23
KCL Psych Soc (@kclpsychsoc) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Tune in this Wednesday to hear @HaneMaung on the philosophy and ethics of voluntary assisted suicide in Psychiatry! Link is in our Instagram bio #choosepsychiatry

Tune in this Wednesday to hear @HaneMaung on the philosophy and ethics of voluntary assisted suicide in Psychiatry! Link is in our Instagram bio #choosepsychiatry
Your IoPPN (@yourioppn) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Join us next week for another Great Minds Lecture! Learn from PhD students about the fascinating research that they are doing at Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience. All IoPPN students are welcome to attend & learn from some of our very own Great Minds💡 Register for an invite: forms.office.com/pages/response…

Join us next week for another Great Minds Lecture!

Learn from PhD students about the fascinating research that they are doing at <a href="/KingsIoPPN/">Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience</a>. All IoPPN students are welcome to attend &amp; learn from some of our very own Great Minds💡

Register for an invite: forms.office.com/pages/response…
KCL Psych Soc (@kclpsychsoc) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Want to be part of KCL PsychSoc Committee 2023/24? It's time to nominate yourself for next year! 🥳 Find all the necessary info below and feel free to DM us with any questions.

Want to be part of KCL PsychSoc Committee 2023/24? It's time to nominate yourself for next year! 🥳 Find all the necessary info below and feel free to DM us with any questions.
KCL Psych Soc (@kclpsychsoc) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Join us today at 6 PM with George Ikkos for a talk on ‘Asylum, Community and Meta-Community’ #psychiatry teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/…

Join us today at 6 PM with <a href="/gikkos1/">George Ikkos</a> for a talk on ‘Asylum, Community and Meta-Community’ 

KCL Psych Soc (@kclpsychsoc) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hi all, we are hosting the legendary Dr. Gwen Adshead tomorrow in an online event. In addition to being an incredibly experienced forensic psychiatrist she is also a bestselling author of the book “The Devil You Know”. Please join if you can and share! eur03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/ap/t-59584e83/…

Hi all, we are hosting the legendary Dr. Gwen Adshead tomorrow in an online event. In addition to being an incredibly experienced forensic psychiatrist she is also a bestselling author of the book “The Devil You Know”. Please join if you can and share!

Royal College of Psychiatrists (@rcpsych) 's Twitter Profile Photo

According to the latest data, suicide rates are at the highest level since 1999. Three quarters of suicides are by men, but the number of suicides amongst women has increased, and is now greater than in 1994. Nobody should go through suicidal feelings alone. Our patient leaflet