Kay Lucek
Kay Lucek
SNSF Eccellenza Professor @UniNeuchatel
#Speciation #Genomics #Holocentricity #BiodiversityGenomics #Conservation #FirstGeneration #ProudFather
ID: 1558054997270609920
http://www.biodiversity-genomics.ch 12-08-2022 11:38:10
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Congratulations Hannah Augustijnen for another PhD chapter published in InsectConservation : Living on the edge-Genomic and ecological delineation of cryptic lineages in the high‐elevation specialist Erebia nivalis resjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.11…

Enjoyed my visit to Faculty of Biology - University of Freiburg Universität Freiburg in Switzerland with departmental seminar and many interesting scientific discussions with my excellent host Thomas Flatt and other colleagues. And the Swiss cheeze fondue was magnificent!

2/7 This collaborative work includes the contributions of Livio Bätscher, Martin Cesanek, Tinatin Chkhartishvili, Vlad Dinca, giorgi iankoshvili, Kota OGAWA (むし採りおじさん), @RogerVila_lab, @Sklopfstein, Jurriaan M. de Vos and Kay Lucek. Universität Basel Université Neuchâtel Swiss National Science Foundation

AMAZING! congratulations Hannah Augustijnen and many many 🙏to the co-authors! 🎉🦋

We thank the Fondation Pierre Mercier pour la Science & @SNSF for funding, Alice Laigle & Charlotte Wright for giving precious feedback on earlier drafts, & the editorial team of Trends in Genetics for smooth processing 3/4

Srinivas Narayanan Alice Laigle Charlotte Wright Trends in Genetics For me personally, I started thinking about genomic rearrangements, & 3D genome structures during my Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions grant at the Natural History Museum London during wonderful discussions with Jeffrey W. Streicher & Prof. Anjali Goswami ! Thank you so much for planting this seed in my head! 🙌🏾4/4

Throwback to last year's fieldwork in Georgia 🇬🇪 collecting Erebia 🦋 for genome annotation as part of our Biodiversity Genomics Europe (BGE) Case Study! Thanks to our Georgian experts Tina and giorgi iankoshvili from CaBoL and to European Research Executive Agency, SBFI SEFRI SERI, SIB, EU green research

What happens when strongly divergent species form zones of secondary contact? 👉 Hannah Augustijnen last paper with me Molecular Ecology onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.11… on alpine #erebia 🦋 using whole genome resequence data for 300 individuals #biodiversitygenomics

Great article The Guardian featuring Project Psyche projectpsyche.org aiming to sequence reference genomes for all European Lepidoptera 🦋 👉theguardian.com/environment/ar… honored to be part of this exciting community project Université Neuchâtel

Many thanks to European Reference Genome Atlas for highlighting our Biodiversity Genomics Europe (BGE) project in this new blog post! Go check it out! 🦋🧬🏔️⬇️