ID: 535496314
calendar_today24-03-2012 16:35:28
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13 years ago
having dinner with friends @ bärengasse👍
thxs to sunrise for such a great top service!
lunch with lisa in south beach☀
blowing with the wind!! yfrog.com/escmkjhzj
packing for ibiza....
12 years ago
dinner@ buech with my friends yfrog.com/kii6bazj
love is in the air....... yfrog.com/nz7xdwwj
swiss ibiza connection greets...... yfrog.com/mnxobcrj
Mojito a gogo...... yfrog.com/obwpowwj
Jelmoli shooting in Zürich
back to Ibiza.....
lunch im restaurant hornegg yfrog.com/kfumdhhj
gd morning zürich yfrog.com/h6x59cej
carven im pulver yfrog.com/oe36mwroj