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https://www.jurisage.com 22-12-2021 00:54:36
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Steve Vladeck @questauthority Jurisage The catch is to break the problem into small enough pieces, which can then be solved by LLMs, but the whole process is still guided by the researcher. We rely not only on our legal+tech expertise, but also on a large database of legal documents to add guardrails to LLMs. 2/2

AI Creating Buzz But Not Kickstarting Tech Startups in Canada at.law.com/ysS5zY?cmp=sha… via Law.com International with comments from our CEO Colin Lachance

Two Canadian Legal Tech Companies, CiteRight and Jurisage, Merge to Power Litigation Research and Drafting | LawSites —— Thanks for the write up, Bob Ambrogi lawnext.com/2023/09/two-ca…