PARISS Journal
Social sciences journal for innovative, transversal, transdisciplinary & collective research.
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ID: 1292940030726549504 10-08-2020 21:45:28
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Laleh Khalili 🇵🇸
Pro-Palestine. 🇵🇸 🇵🇸 Getting rid of all other personal data on this hellsite email to: [email protected]Roland Bleiker
Writes on the politics of images & emotions across conflict, resistance, ethics, humanitarianism. Teaches @POLSISEngage. Runs @VisualPolUQ. Fellow @AcadSocSci.Ana Ballesteros Pena ✳️
Marie Curie Fellow #GEIPP @CareerUna4 @CCPPySOCUCM @GeypoG @ecrim_udc PhD in #Sociology. #punishment, #penalsystem, #bordercontrol, #inmigration & #genderItalo Brandimarte
Postdoctoral Research Associate @warstudies @KingsCollegeLon • Researching War, Technoscience, Climate Justice, Experience, Embodiment, Empire et al.Martin Coward
Prof/Head of School, @QMPoliticsIR. This profile not checked regularly. Contact details here:…Ana Ivasiuc
Soc. anthropologist, currently president @EASAinfo Urban insecurity, race&racism, Roma, far-right, policing. Quote: Ruth Behar. Tweets in personal capacity.Lucile Maertens
Associate Professor (she/her) in #PoliticalScience & #InternationalRelations @GVAGrad | International Organizations, Global Environmental Politics, MethodsJef Huysmans
Prof International Politics (Queen Mary (London)) -- security, life-in-motion, migration, transversality, fracturing worlds, international political sociologyJelena Subotic
politics & tennis, not always in that order. also, professor. I have a new book:…Dr Matthew Ford
Saarf-Londoner. Co-author @warradical. Assoc Prof @Forsvarshogsk. Forthcoming book “War in the Smartphone Age” with @hurstpublishersAlvina Hoffmann
Lecturer (Ass. Prof) in Diplomatic Studies @SOASpolitics | International Political Sociology of human rights struggles at the UN, in Crimea and beyondAjda Hedzet
@FDVLjubljana | IR, Rights, Discourse, Productive power | Managing Editor @JIRD_jourSarahPerret
Ass. Prof. @Espollille Researcher @ESPOL_Lab @ENS_ULM @ensgeopolitics l #security #border #technologies #AI Ex @KingsCollegeLon @UnivParisSaclay @GeorgetownK
PhD student (UOttawa)• technology, security, and intelligence • (just for fun)Natalie Welfens
Postdoc @UniDue & @RefMig. PhD from @UvA_Amsterdam. Refugees, migration, EU ext relations, IOs, gender, feminist approaches, practice theory. And cats. She/her.Prof Marysia Zalewski
Feminist International Politics, Editor #IFJP, Educator & constant learner. Often annoyed! 😜Matt Davies
Senior Lecturer at Newcastle University, Visiting Professor at the Instituto de Relações Internacionais, PUC-Rio. Research: IPE and everyday life.Jonathan Gilmore
Lecturer in International Relations @UoMPolitics. Author of 'The Cosmopolitan Military'. Lover of learning, planes, peace and love...🇪🇺Laura J. Shepherd
Researcher/educator/terrible dancer, tweeting about gender, politics, security, pop culture. Views mine. RT may be endorsement, it's contextual. She/her.Mariam Salehi
Researching transnational conflicts, struggles for justice, change, knowledge orders @interact_FU @FU_Berlin | Book: | she/herPaul Stoller
Paul Stoller is an anthropologist and novelist who loves to listen to and tell storiesDr Cait Hamilton | Hamilton Editorial
editing | coaching | the (academic) writer | dissertation to manuscript programme | Prof Member @The_CIEP |Jonathan Luke Austin
Political violence, humanitarian design, digital technology, post-critique, aesthetics, international political design @PolsciCph l humanitarian.designIPS Section
Official account of the International Political Sociology Section #IPS of the International Studies Association (ISA).Eurasylum
Research on migration and refugee policy on behalf of public authorities. Former co-publisher, with @UNmigration, of the "Migration Policy Practice" journal.Frédéric Mérand
Directeur @SciencePo_UdeMEISA
Europe's leading association for International Studies. Home of #EISAPEC24 | #EWIS2024 | @EuroJournIR | @ECD_EISA | #EISAVoicesRocco Bellanova @[email protected]
Research Professor @LSTSblog @VUBrussel | PI ERC StG @DATAUNION_ERC | co-editor @BigDataSoc | editorial board of Tecnoscienza | retweet ≠ endorsementKrystel Wanneau
ATER @SciencesPo38 // International politics | Expertise | Science | Conflicts | UNEP | Ecology | OceansHumanity
An International Journal of Human Rights, Humanitarianism, and DevelopmentDr Maria Deiana
Senior Lecturer in International Relations @HAPPatQUB | Co-Director @CentreForGender | Co-Editor @JWCS_Journal Feminism Art Dance Global PoliticsGemma Bird 🧡
Senior Lecturer @LivUniPol & 1/4 of @IR_Aesthetics. Research Fellow @GCR_21. Work on politics of migration (EU)& African political theory. Views my own. She/herGround Truth Solutions
Ensuring that people affected by crisis have a say in humanitarian action, from individual projects to global humanitarian reform.Dr Laura Mills
International Relations | Cultural Diplomacy | Security | Militarism | Aesthetics | Everyday Life and Global Politics | Creative MethodsDr Amanda Chisholm
@ESRC Future Leader From Military to Market: Gurkhas in Global Private Security, Senior Lecturer @warstudies, @ftgs_isa chair, Curious Feminist, she/her/hersNina Wilén
Research Director Africa, Egmont Institute; Assoc Prof Lund Uni; xEIC @Intl_Peacekeeping, Global Fellow PRIO, #war #gender #military #Africa Tweets R personalChris Agius
Associate Prof IR & Security. I research borders, security, gender, and general horribleness. Unsuccessful gardener. Pretty good bakerHager Ben Jaffel
Lecturer in IR @warstudies | Research associate @CNRS & @uOttawaCIPS. Book "Problematising Intelligence Studies". Intelligence, security, politics. Female.Cameron Hunter
US-China nuclear deterrence and space security. Researcher @RitualDeter @koebenhavns_uni Ex @HyPIRUoL, Ex @KlugeCtr/@librarycongressRoger Mac Ginty
Culchie. Dogs & old stuff. Prof, Durham Uni, Director @DGSi_, Founder @everydaypeace Editor @peacebuilding_, Many caveats. Book: Klimburg Witjes
Maria Mälksoo
Prof of International Relations @PolsciCph @uni_copenhagen. @ERC_Research Ulgueestlane.Kiran Phull
Lecturer in International Relations @warstudies | Researching Public Opinion, Knowledge Production & Epistemology | #dataviz #criticalpedagogyMariana Caldas
Doctor in @IRI_PUCRio | Critical Theory. Arts and Aesthetics. Transitional Justice. Writing and Philosophy.INSIST Network
Interdisciplinary Network for Studies Investigating Science & Technology | Tweets von @LordElend (am) und @germsinhistory (je)Sophia Soares
PhD + teach international law & human rights @BristolUniLaw @BristolLawPGR @BristolUniHric | Torture prevention - Refugees - Statelessness 🇩🇰🇲🇦🍉Tom Lundborg
Researcher - currently working on secrecy, espionage, betrayal and the dark underside of the international - also writing essays on international theoryVanessa Ugolini
Postdoctoral Researcher @DataUnion_ERC @LSTSblog @VUBrussel | PhD @sisunitn | MA @Warstudies #Security #Tech #Intelligence #Data 00-spirit at heartAleš Karmazin
IR, politics, security, China, East and South Asia - Metropolitan University Prague @univerzitaMUP, external @IPS_FSV_CUNI, chief editor @CEJISS, @CACAS_networkPetition Academia
For a better Swiss Academia | Für bessere Schweizer Hochschulen | Pour de meilleures Hautes Écoles en Suisse | Per delle migliori scuole universitarie svizzereSwetha Ramachandran
PhD @GVAGrad on aid financing and localisation | Africa focus | Methodologist @UNIDIR | M&E practitioner | @SAISHopkins alumAllie Lyamuya
PhD Student @USCAnnenberg | Alum @UMassAmherst @UMassPolicy | Research: digital technologies and infrastructure, media governance, migration and bordersAsees Puri
PhD Candidate @IHEID | Research on aesthetics, affective and sensory politics, political violence & "critical" theory | (She, Her).gabi_schlag
senior lecturer @uni_tue, @europeanisa, visual ir | violence | advocating inter-disciplineHolger Niemann
UN & global governance | norms & practices | IOs & IPS | peace & security @ifshhamburg | associated @CssUhh & @INEFDuisburgMonique J. Beerli
Senior Lecturer @GSI_UNIGE | Thinking/Writing/Teaching on humanitarianism, NGOs, expertise, data, archiving, & transdisciplinarityMatthias Leese
Assist. Prof. for Technology and Governance @eth_en; PI @curate_project (@erc_research @SBFI_CH); refuses to apologize for cross-postingMariia Vladymyrova
PhD fellow at @ritualdeterrence of the @PolsciCph; born 🇺🇦based 🇩🇰; Repost/follow ≠ endorsement; all views are my own 🧚♂️CURATE Project
CURATE is a five-year ERC Starting Grant (financed by SERI) project that investigates data quality in European law enforcement and border control.STS-MigTec
STS-MIGTEC is an independent network of scholars at the intersection of science and technology studies (STS) and critical migration, security and border studiesOmer Aijazi
Atmospheric Violence: Disaster and Repair in Kashmir @PennPress /Abolition over reform /Resident agitator, University of Manchester @HCRInstitute (views my own)Adélaïde Martin
ATER @UParisNanterre • PhD cand. @ISP_Cnrs w/ a focus on 🇰🇭៚ RT42 @AfsElites | Fellow @ICMigrations • @Migrapriv | Associate @irasecbangkok | @BureauJCGisAsieRITUAL DETERRENCE
@ERC_Research funded project RITUAL DETERRENCE hosted by @PolSciCph. PI: @MMalksoo. Team: @CP_Hunter @ThFraise @MVladymyrovaLiska Bernet
Refugee Rights Activist | Focus: Migration and forced displacement in Europe | Founder Glocal Roots I Based in Greece & Switzerland I [email protected]Nele Kortendiek
political scientist, senior researcher @goetheuni, prev. @LSEnews, @uniofoxford, @normativeorders. IR theory, global governance, IOs, migration & asylum.Paul Trauttmansdorff
Postdoctoral Researcher @sts_ens and @EuroNewSchoolAlejandro Esguerra
Post-Doc, Working Group Political Sociology (Bielefeld). International Political Sociology, Global Environ. Politics, Science-Policy Interaction.Caroline Fehl
Senior researcher @HSFK_PRIF; US foreign policy, international norms/institutions, nuclear and humanitarian arms control, R2P, intl. criminal justiceAnaëlle Vergonjeanne
PhD student in international relations @SciencesPo 📚🇫🇷 - Previously @Politics_Oxford 🇬🇧 - Working on #childhoodstudies 🧒 #globalgovernance 🌏 #climate 🌱