joseph branciforte
sounds + records. runs @greyfade_label.
ID: 2837902510
https://linktr.ee/josephbranciforte 20-10-2014 04:06:27
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Review | taylor deupree - Sti. ll by Ljubinko Zivkovic. "We get four elongated meditations on movement in stillness, Deupree, Branciforte, and other involved musicians proving that it is not the media you use, but the content that you present that counts." echoesanddust.com/2024/05/taylor…

"A contemporary classical composition of arresting beauty. Why remake a classic? joseph branciforte found out only after he’d finished recording. Sometimes, if you set out to do the impossible, you actually achieve it." @PITCHFORK reviews taylor deupree's STI.LL.

big show tomorrow night in brooklyn! greyfade.com/publicrecords joseph branciforte & @theo_bleckmann taylor deupree's sti.ll JACK Quartet doors at 7, show at 8p. public records

"In Oct 2021, taylor deupree approached musician, composer & recording engineer joseph branciforte to collaborate on a new acoustic interpretation of Stil.. I would dare say that it will mark a milestone in avant-garde music." LOOP (CL) reviews STI.LL. loop.cl/taylor-deupree

"The folio is a format that aspires to combine the best of the physical & digital worlds. The opportunity to fill a book permits the music's makers to explain their processes at much greater length than your average Blue Note LP." The Wire Magazine

FOLIO update. taylor deupree's 'sti.ll' FOLIO (edition of 200) is now sold out! we have 6 remaining copies of Kenneth Kirschner 's 'three cellos.' kennethkirschner.bandcamp.com/album/three-ce… thank you everyone for supporting us in this experiment in physical album releases! joseph / greyfade

greyfade is now on youtube. our first video: a score follower of RECUR from taylor deupree's STI.LL (2024). arrangement by joseph branciforte. adapted from the greyfade FOLIO hardcover edition of the album. youtube.com/watch?v=kgqdjO…

today's 3 dollar digital release is LP2 from @theo_bleckmann & joseph branciforte (2023). head to greyfade.com/sale to grab it from the greyfade shop or bandcamp. youtu.be/XaOJ-EhPPuA