Jo Phillips
Director of Culture and Leadership, Oxford University Hospitals. A coach & lover of learning, laughing, discovering, appreciating, being inspired.
ID: 2782759419
24-09-2014 20:11:54
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"Our collective strength throughout the COVID-19 #pandemic has been in our shared sense of purpose." Today we launch our e-Book - the story of our response to #COVID19: orlo.uk/aUvUT Bruno Holthof Jonathan Montgomery Terry Roberts Oxford Hospitals Charity #OneTeamOneOUH 💙

All the best Ariel Lanada - a great achievement already! 🎉

Want to see some magic? 🧙♂️💻 Back to back Microsoft Teams meetings - gone! Microsoft Outlook: File menu, Options, Calendar, tick 'Shorten appointments and meetings' Now your default meetings have a 5 or 10 minute gap...

June's theme for Our Engagement Promise has been a focus on our values. These are: ▶ Excellence ▶ Compassion ▶ Respect ▶ Delivery ▶ Learning ▶ Improvement Bruno Holthof, speaking at a recent Staff Briefing, highlights their importance. 📽⤵ orlo.uk/i8ihZ

⭐ Excellence ⭐ 🗣 "The key thing about 'excellence' is that our patients deserve top class care" ~ Jonathan Montgomery, our Chair, talks about one of our key values as part of #OurEngagementPromise 📽⤵ orlo.uk/s5jPc