Jo Phillips (@jophill75404737) 's Twitter Profile
Jo Phillips


Director of Culture and Leadership, Oxford University Hospitals. A coach & lover of learning, laughing, discovering, appreciating, being inspired.

ID: 2782759419

calendar_today24-09-2014 20:11:54

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326 Following

Jo Phillips (@jophill75404737) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thanks for opening up the #FutureofNHSHRandOD conversation with us OUH This provides an opportune time to understand the strengths of our profession on which to build and co-design our future together for our people. G8t seeing the conversation building Thomas Simons CCIPD

Jo Phillips (@jophill75404737) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Such sad news. But what an inspiration to us all. He leaves behind an unforgettable legacy and has made a real difference to us at OUH. Thank you for leading with care Captain Tom ♥️

OUH (@ouhospitals) 's Twitter Profile Photo

▶ 83% of staff recommend OUH as a place to be treated (up from 78%) ▶ 70% recommend OUH as a place to work (up from 64%) ▶ Results were 'significantly better' for 23/78 questions We will continue to build on the successes - and take action on areas of improvement. [2/2]

OUH (@ouhospitals) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"Our collective strength throughout the COVID-19 #pandemic has been in our shared sense of purpose." Today we launch our e-Book - the story of our response to #COVID19: Bruno Holthof Jonathan Montgomery Terry Roberts Oxford Hospitals Charity #OneTeamOneOUH 💙

"Our collective strength throughout the COVID-19 #pandemic has been in our shared sense of purpose."

Today we launch our e-Book - the story of our response to #COVID19:

<a href="/BrunoHolthof/">Bruno Holthof</a> <a href="/Prof_JonMont/">Jonathan Montgomery</a> <a href="/TerryRoberts61/">Terry Roberts</a> <a href="/OxHospCharity/">Oxford Hospitals Charity</a> 

#OneTeamOneOUH 💙
Lee Massie 💙 (@lee_massie) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Want to see some magic? 🧙‍♂️💻 Back to back Microsoft Teams meetings - gone! Microsoft Outlook: File menu, Options, Calendar, tick 'Shorten appointments and meetings' Now your default meetings have a 5 or 10 minute gap...

Want to see some magic? 🧙‍♂️💻
Back to back <a href="/MicrosoftTeams/">Microsoft Teams</a> meetings - gone!

<a href="/Outlook/">Microsoft Outlook</a>: File menu, Options, Calendar, tick 'Shorten appointments and meetings'

Now your default meetings have a 5 or 10 minute gap...
Skills for Health (@skillsforhealth) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Scooping this year’s #OurHealthHeroes Most Promising OD & People Programme Award is OUH’ team lead by Jo Phillips for their ‘Looking after Our People’ programme which saw a TREMENDOUS improvement to their staff wellbeing, post-pandemic recovery & team working 🏆

Scooping this year’s #OurHealthHeroes Most Promising OD &amp; People Programme Award is <a href="/OUHospitals/">OUH</a>’ team lead by <a href="/JoPhill75404737/">Jo Phillips</a> for their ‘Looking after Our People’ programme which saw a TREMENDOUS improvement to their staff wellbeing, post-pandemic recovery &amp; team working 🏆
Jo Phillips (@jophill75404737) 's Twitter Profile Photo

What a great day celebrating winning the award for ‘most promising OD & People programme’ with such a passionate team of people. This award recognises the great collaboration between so many people across OUH - well done everyone - testament to #oneteamoneOUH

Ria Evans Fry 💙 (@riaevansfry1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

OUH A shout out to your wonderful Paeds ED staff, who tonight, despite being stretched with a heaving dept, have provided fantastic care. Thank you for looking after my daughter with such dedication and compassion. Special mention to Dr Halah who was just lovely!

OUH (@ouhospitals) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our Patients’ Choice Award winner is Amanda Simpson. Congratulations on your award and thank you for all you do! #OneTeamOneOUH #OUHAwards21

Our Patients’ Choice Award winner is Amanda Simpson.  Congratulations on your award and thank you for all you do! #OneTeamOneOUH #OUHAwards21
OUH (@ouhospitals) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Following publication of our NHS Staff Survey results, we are focusing on different aspects of staff experience each month to ensure they can: ▶ access online events ▶ attend learning sessions ▶ share ways of working, resources, and support This is Our Engagement Promise.

OUH (@ouhospitals) 's Twitter Profile Photo

June's theme for Our Engagement Promise has been a focus on our values. These are: ▶ Excellence ▶ Compassion ▶ Respect ▶ Delivery ▶ Learning ▶ Improvement Bruno Holthof, speaking at a recent Staff Briefing, highlights their importance. 📽⤵

OUH (@ouhospitals) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🗣 "I see compassion as caring, as finding out what makes you tick, and what you and I need - and how we can together achieve that. If we achieve that, we work better together and it is better for patients" @NurseFlo talks about compassion as part of #OurEngagementPromise

OUH (@ouhospitals) 's Twitter Profile Photo

⭐ Excellence ⭐ 🗣 "The key thing about 'excellence' is that our patients deserve top class care" ~ Jonathan Montgomery, our Chair, talks about one of our key values as part of #OurEngagementPromise 📽⤵

HPMA London Academy (@hpmalondon) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Great to hear from Jo Phillips OUH about her insights into understanding how she has been part of a racist system & is now in a position to disrupt this system. TY Jo Phillips for sharing this #InclusiveHR

Great to hear from Jo Phillips <a href="/OUHospitals/">OUH</a> about her insights into understanding how she has been part of a racist system &amp; is now in a position to disrupt this system. TY <a href="/JoPhill75404737/">Jo Phillips</a> for sharing this
