Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg Center
Connects the worlds of research and policymaking. Convenes diverse viewpoints to fuel discovery, dialogue, and global democracy. #HopkinsBloombergCenter
ID: 1679142704901496833
https://washingtondc.jhu.edu/bloomberg-center/ 12-07-2023 14:56:49
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257 Following

Joey Mattingly
Associate Professor, University of Utah; Research interests include health economics of infectious diseases and patient-centered outcomes research.

Jeff Snell
Cat Daddy. Counselor at a community college.
Fadrique Iglesias OLY
Culture + Community + Urban Planning. Olympic Athlete | Hablador y exatleta olímpico. 🇧🇴🇪🇦🇺🇲 PhD in Cultural Heritage. Alumni @UVa_es @Georgetown
Skip Murray
#BeKind. DSP @ group home. Advocate, #Curious Researcher. Seeker of making the world a better place. Keeper of the family tree. #NicotineNerd #Neurodiverse
Dr. Rubal Kanozia
Associate Professor and Head, Deptt of Media Studies and Mass Communication at Central University of Punjab
Anna Smith
Dreams are the starting point of struggle

Hellen Okello

Dr. Claire Morgan
#Jewelryhistorian, MA #DecArts & #DesignHistory, PhD Political theory #Mughal #Ottoman #materialculture #Bhagat. Indophile
Jay Gesch
chippie | racing nut | wannabe writer | lover of all things music
Michelle Levy
Employment attorney, mother of toddlers, wife of husband.
Jessica Gibson
SBU ‘24 📚🧋😴 Aspiring doc 🤞🏻🩺 Hopkins MSPH ‘26
Nicole Jobson 💛 now on 🐳 & Threads
Here to learn, laugh, and inform. #Harris2024 #HarrisForPresident Education Advocate; 💕 💚 #1908; #KHive #BidenHarris2020 #VeepsPeeps #BidenHarris2024
Lianeris Mariel Estremera-Rodriguez, MS JD
Epidemiologa. Abogada. Estudiante Doctoral en #SocialEpi at JHU. #787858 🇵🇷
Anindya Das Antar
Ph.D. candidate, @UMichCSE, @umich_hcc_lab, @CompHCILab Interested in Human-centered behavior modeling, Interactive eXplainable AI (#HCXAI), Machine Teaching
Zhang Zhang

Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator
Bringing science and diplomacy together to anticipate and tackle global challenges. Our yearly publication: 📡radar.gesda.global
Jayani Jayawardhana
Associate Professor, Health Economics, Health Policy, & Pharmaceutical Economics. All opinions are my own.

Nimisha Karnatak
PhD in Computer Science @UniofOxford || Student researcher @GoogleDeepMind Ex: Research Fellow @MSFTResearch|| Area of Research: Human-AI Interaction
Michelle Chappell
Legislative Lead, DC @MomsDemand All opinions my own Pro: gun safety | DC Statehood | reproductive freedom | court reform | fiber arts | Spirit ⚽️ TX ➡️ DC
Linda Hall

Katherine Cheung
PhD student in Bioethics & Health Policy at @JohnsHopkinsSPH | psychedelic ethics🌱
Lylah Natho

Yimin Ge
Postdoc @JHSPH_CMAP @JHU_HBHI || PhD @USCPrice @SchaefferCenter || @DukeU @UofIllinois alum
Kenzie Adib

Temple Vear

Emilee Sensabaugh

Beatrix Sarnowski

Gwyneth Milovich

Adele Wisnosky

Sharee Chapelle

Lizette Guirand

Joannie Ratz

Earleen Bowlin

Bobette Tolve

Adrien Chatters



Juan Carlo Landayan
🇵🇭 in 🇶🇦🇺🇸 | A Hoya (BSFS '24) Blue Jay (MAIR '26) | Has ideas and opinions on the random-est of things
The Creator

Thoasin Mia

Megan Wambua


Matthew Maughan
Health Services Research/Health Econ PhD Student @BrownUniversity @Brown_SPH Translating great research into impactful policy. Opinions my own.
Tunazzina Islam
Ph.D. candidate @PurdueCS Travelholic🌎Yogi🧘♀️Mom of 2 👧👦 first-generation Ph.D. student.
kobi khong
David Norris II 𓄿
Keeping it real with ghosts. Raised in restaurants. Fond of loud laughter. Cannabis Operations Whisperer. New Orleans | OKC