Since earliest times men have seen the earth and sky and all God made, and have known of his existence and great eternal power . . .
—Romans 1:20 (TLB)
Lord God almighty, although my finite mind cannot comprehend the magnitude of Your greatness, I have felt Your presence in the quiet of my heart and I am gladdened.
Feeling lonely in a connected world? Discover the friend who knows you deeply and loves you unconditionally—Jesus. He calls you friend and is always there for you. 📷 #NeverAlone #TrueFriendship
Visit a place in Thailand where over 100 at-risk girls thrive as sisters. See the local family that ensures a safe place for the girls, in a home filled with the love of Christ.…
With each stressful situation, let's go to Christ once again in complete trust and receive His peace anew. The more we do this, the more His peace will take root and characterize our whole life.