Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz
NYS Assemblyman representing the N+NW Bronx. Chair: NYS Assembly Codes Committee & Bronx Delegation. Secretary: Bronx Democratic Party.
ID: 574688373
http://www.instagram.com/assemblymanjeffreydinowitz/ 08-05-2012 16:32:16
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Another powerful moment at the Democratic Party this time with the delegates and leaders of the New York State Dems. The Neutra family from Long Island thanking their NY family for being with them and supporting them. We must bring the hostages home. Bring Omer Home Bring Them Home Now Thank you

I literarily can’t give these out fast enough!!!! Democratic Majority for Israel Democratic Party US Israel ישראל relationship!!!!

There is no doubt that Vice President Kamala Harris Kamala Harris is a strong pro-Israel Democrat. 🇺🇸 🇮🇱 #DemsSupportIsrael

I recently joined fellow New York electeds to meet with educational leaders from South Korea. Thank you NYS Assembly Member Michael Benedetto for organizing this opportunity to share and exchange experiences and ideas on education with this global team.

dahlia kurtz ✡︎ דליה קורץ dahlia kurtz ✡︎ דליה קורץ bill to make masks illegal at NY protests. NYC Lawmakers To Ban Masks At Protests frumnews.com/nyc-lawmakers-… Cc the Sponsors, Co-Sponsors & advocates for these 2 bills, Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz Sam Berger Mike Reilly Michael Reilly Steve Rhoads Senator Steve Rhoads Lieutenants Benevolent Association