Jamie Pine (@jamiepine) 's Twitter Profile
Jamie Pine


founder @spacedriveapp - software engineer - prev @calcom @notifyteam - streams at jamiepine.live - open source โ™ฅ๏ธ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ

ID: 67126750

linkhttp://jamiepine.com calendar_today19-08-2009 21:25:13

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1,1K Following

Jamie Pine (@jamiepine) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Feeling so motivated and inspired after spending time with JJ finally, along with all the amazing people he brought together. Such an honor to have you behind Spacedrive. The future of open source is so bright.

Feeling so motivated and inspired after spending time with <a href="/JosephJacks_/">JJ</a> finally, along with all the amazing people he brought together. Such an honor to have you behind <a href="/spacedriveapp/">Spacedrive</a>. The future of open source is so bright.