Jake Hayman ‘JT’ C/O2026 OL
6’3 310 |squat 550 | bench 360|| GPA 3.9 | 40 5.4 |#8326553772 |NCAA# 2406340335 | recruiter, and trainer @sixzeroAcademy #dungeonfamily @RecruitLP
ID: 1206720061916041216
http://www.hudl.com/v/2MdB6u 16-12-2019 23:37:49
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I had a great time in Stillwater this weekend. thank you for having me out can’t wait to be back. Amazing ending to a hard fight game #GoPokes and even got to catch up with some of my dungeon family Peyton Edwards Zach Allen Mike Gundy Charlie Dickey Coach J