Gonzalo Dulcich
Médico en Diagnóstico por Imágenes en el Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires
ID: 1468056763379240962
07-12-2021 03:16:29
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Similar case from today. Male adult with chronic lymphocitic leukemia, asymptomatic BAL from another institution didn’t show classic milky fluid CT is very suggestive for me though I don’t know NPV of BAL for PAP… The Phlegmfighter Howard Mann Bruno Hochhegger

Muchas gracias Daniel Vargas, MD por todos los casos prestados para la presentación y también a Travis Henry Gonzalo Dulcich Carlos F Muñoz Jeffrey Kanne y David Godwin

Another year w amazing multinational collaboration leading to these wonderful educational exhibits! #RSNA23 RSNA 🇪🇸🇨🇱🇦🇷🇨🇴🇺🇸 Sofia Gambetta Jordi Broncano Dra. Cecilia Ferrario Marcos Mestas Nuñez Gonzalo Dulcich J. Gutierrez Camila Urzúa Fresno Ranish Khawaja MD Antonio Luna Alcalá Joanna Escalon, MD Markus Wu

Multi-institutional collaborations leading to fantastic results: Two Cum Laudes and two Certificates of Merit #RSNA23 Jordi Broncano Sofia Gambetta Dra. Cecilia Ferrario Marcos Mestas Nuñez Antonio Luna Alcalá Gonzalo Dulcich Ranish Khawaja MD sanjeevbhalla RSNA

A nice example of flow-related artifact (smoke) on CTPA due to reduced cardiac output "Smoke, in distinction, usually has ill-defined, wispy margins, and attenuation varies widely on the basis of the amount of contrast mixing" pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31206454/ Howard Mann Travis Henry

Check out our ePosters at #STR2024! Society of Thoracic Radiology CU Radiology UTHealth Houston Radiology Sofia Gambetta Daniel Ocazionez Dra. Cecilia Ferrario Marcos Mestas Nuñez Gonzalo Dulcich HTA_Hospitalitaliano Hospital Británico Hospital Universitario Austral Diagnóstico Por Imágenes - Hospital Austral

#NUEVAPUBLICACIÓN 📌Recrecimiento tumoral en pacientes bajo esquema de watch-and-wait en cáncer de recto. Ensayo pictórico Revista Argentina de Radiología 2024; 88 (1): 23-30 👏 Lautaro Florentin, Gonzalo Dulcich y Lorena Savluk 👉doi.org/10.24875/RAR.2…

So nice to see the syllabus for the ARRS #ARRS24 meeting categorical course on HRCT 🫁published! 👏👏 Marcos Mestas Nuñez and Gonzalo Dulcich for the great work on our chapter on Diffuse Cystic Lung Diseases! Looking forward to Boston this week! #chestrads #Radiology

Case of the day, first time for me. Unfortunately I don't have an x-ray but it's a good one to teach residents though Daniel Vargas, MD Jordi Broncano Howard Mann Tan-Lucien Mohammed, MD, FACR Ivan Vollmer #Radiology #chestrad

Classic CT of Niemann-Pick disease with diffuse crazy paving pattern Associated with severe esplenomegaly and paraesophageal varices Case courtesy Mariano Lorea Tan-Lucien Mohammed, MD, FACR Marcelo Sanchez Andre' Carvalho #Radiology

Primer RadioGraphics 💯💯. Valió la pena el esfuerzo! Gran trabajo en equipo.

Congenital Lung Anomalies in Adults Mestas Nuñez M et al. Chest Imaging doi.org/10.1148/rg.240… Marcos Mestas Nuñez Gonzalo Dulcich Ranish Khawaja MD Jordi Broncano Nicole Restauri,MD Daniel Vargas, MD #RGphx 4/12