Joe Rudge (@j0erudge) 's Twitter Profile
Joe Rudge


Aspiring Art director

ID: 3393449325

calendar_today29-07-2015 08:53:02

37 Tweet


72 Following

Joe Rudge (@j0erudge) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Good things come in threes. Part 3 of my anti-advertising style series for the One Minute Brief of the Day: Advertise brands & products with 1 letter in their name changed. #OMBrandChallenge 1⃣ One Minute Briefs ⏱️ Sorry Nintendo UK I just had to.

Good things come in threes. Part 3 of my anti-advertising style series for the One Minute Brief of the Day:
Advertise brands & products with 1 letter in their name changed. #OMBrandChallenge 1⃣
<a href="/OneMinuteBriefs/">One Minute Briefs ⏱️</a> 
Sorry <a href="/NintendoUK/">Nintendo UK</a>  I just had to.