Independent Women's Forum
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Mandatory infant medical tests: health care, or government overreach? 💉 Aubrey Wilkins Wursten iwf.org/2024/08/30/571…

🎦 Kelsey Bolar (Harkness): The women’s organization investing in storytelling "Policy and political positions are inevitably divisive. Someone’s story, on the other hand, is just that: a real-life experience inherently worthy of dignity and respect." IW Features iwf.org/2024/08/27/the…

So #KamalaHarris has a small biz plan? Ha!! Don’t tell me about entrepreneurs when you: - support PRO Act which destroys self-employment, gig work nationwide - enacted U.S. Department of Labor independent contractor rule undermining independent contracting #freelancebusting Independent Women's Forum Fight for Freelancers USA

Forcing the use of the incorrect pronouns is the 1st step towards allowing males to intrude on females’ private spaces, including locker rooms, restrooms, living quarters & more! Read more about the IWLC & Parents Defending Education brief in the Sixth Circuit against Ohio schools’ forced

Ditch your AC to fight climate change? Hard pass. My latest via Independent Women's Forum iwf.org/2024/09/05/don…

🧠 "Cellphone focus issues can go beyond mere distraction to a much more concerning rewiring of the adolescent brain." Discovery Institute American Center for Transforming Education (ACTE) Peter Biles The Washington Times Independent Women's Forum washingtontimes.com/news/2024/sep/…

💥 Carrie Sheffield is dropping truth bombs on Kamala's failed policies!

Is the American Dream a mirage? 😳 2 In 4 Americans say so. Patrice Lee Onwuka 🇫🇰🇺🇸 iwf.org/2024/09/04/ame…

Confused by all the ‘Stolen Valor’ Political Campaign Finger Pointing? Read This. via Independent Women's Forum iwf.org/2024/09/05/con…

PARENTS BEWARE: Smartphones are killing kids’ ability to concentrate 📱🤯 Children's phones average 192 alerts per day | Keri D. Ingraham via The Washington Times washingtontimes.com/news/2024/sep/…