For over 70 years, IUCN has provided organisations with knowledge and resources needed to address environmental challenges and achieve sustainable development.
ID: 23638544
http://www.iucn.org 10-03-2009 19:32:57
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Conservation Intl
We protect nature for the benefit of humanity. We spotlight and secure the most important places in nature for the climate, for biodiversity and for people.
Global Environment Facility (GEF)
The GEF is the family of funds dedicated to addressing inter-related environmental threats including climate change. Follow CEO @cmrodrigueze.
UN Biodiversity
Official account of the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity. Executive Secretary: @SchomakerAstrid
Fondation Tara Océan
La #FondationTaraOcéan est la première fondation reconnue d’utilité publique consacrée à l’Océan en France. #ExplorerEtPartager
🕊 Seb Duyck - @duycks.bsky.social 🌍⚖️
Senior Attorney - #ClimateJustice & right to healthy environment at @CIEL_tweets | demystifying international law, one emoji at a time | Dad * Opinions my own
Kyle Copas @scicomm.xyz/@kylecopas
“Fuit interdum dulcis, sed semper amarum.” Writer, poet, communicator, producer, husband, father. Comms manager, @GBIF Secretariat
Christian Klaue
Corporate Communications and Public Affairs Director of the IOC. Former employee of @DOSB and @SID_Sportnews. Views are my own, official updates @IOCMedia.
Gordon Buchanan
Wildlife filmmaker & Public Speaker. Filming & snapping the wild, weird & wonderful. 🐺 🐻 🐅 🐘 🦍
CIFOR-ICRAF is the world’s leader on harnessing the power of trees, forests and agroforestry to address the global challenges of our time. #TreesPeoplePlanet
UN Land and Drought
The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification is the global voice for land. We champion healthy, productive and accessible land for all #UNited4Land
UNDERWATER SCIENTIFIC EXPLORATION Led by Emmanuelle & Ghislain BARDOUT DEEPLIFE expeditions ongoing ⛵
We are excited to announce our new account @CIFOR_ICRAF! Support the transformative power of trees by following @CIFOR_ICRAF 🌳
Our mission is to reduce poverty and hunger, improve the health of rice farmers and consumers, and ensure that rice production is environmentally sustainable.
IUCN Red List
The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™ is the world’s most comprehensive information source on the global conservation status of animals, fungi and plants.
Imran Khan
Chairman Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf & former Prime Minister of Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Earth Negotiations Bulletin
Independent reporting on #environment and #sustdev negotiations. Subscribe for reports bit.ly/ENBupdate
Intergov. Platform on Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services. @IPBESes, @IPBESfr. Also on: bit.ly/3BPuRbm RT ≠ endorsements. Denialism/trolling/profanity may = ban.
The UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre. Confronting the challenges faced by our world's biodiversity. #WeCanMakeChange
Ayman Cherkaoui
Director @https://bit.ly/CIHIIFE, Coordinator @https://bit.ly/FM6EPrize, D.Chair @iucn_wcel, RF MGS,Africa @UNEP, Climate Change @CISDL Prev. COP22/COP23 He/Him
ECO is New Zealand's environmental network. Working to protect New Zealand's forests, coasts, sea, rivers, land, atmosphere and our unique species.
ICENECDEV-International Centre for Environmental Education & Community Development is raising environmental awareness .Visit icenecdev.org.
NOAA Digital Coast
@NOAA Office for Coastal Management is a fed govt office working w/partners to provide data, tools & info. Verification: oceanservice.noaa.gov/socialmedia.ht…
Departamento de Ingeniería Hidrometeorológica Universidad Central de Venezuela
International Potato Center
International Potato Center (CIP) conducts agriculture research to improve food & nutrition security, livelihoods & climate resilience. 🔸 @CGIAR
Scott Roberton
Stressed out conservationist, fond of underdog species like pangolin, civets (and LUFC). Exec. Director, Counter-Wildlife Trafficking, WCS.
Juanma Moreno
Presidente de @AndaluciaJunta y presidente del @ppandaluz. Casado y padre de 3 hijos.
Erich Hoyt
whale researcher, writer, speaker, conservationist, lover of the blue ocean and her mysteries
Saving wildlife and wild places around the globe since 1895.
The American Association of Zoo Keepers: Dedicated to the advancement of animal care and conservation.
Humphrey Kariuki Ndegwa
Entrepreneur & Conservationist | Passionate about youth empowerment & a sustainable Africa 🌍 | Dad, Husband, Optimist | Executive Founder, @JCG_Group
Ministerial Conference on the Protection of #Forests in Europe.
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora 🐘🌳🌸 linktr.ee/CITES_
For The Kids Etc Etc - Dion Harper
I wonder if humanity has ever considered the possibility that it'd be easier to "work together" as opposed to working against each other? 👉 🌏✌️ 👈
Klaus Riede
Zoologist/Entomologist interested in bioacoustics, biodiversity informatics and rainforest bugs. Field work in Ecuador (Amazonia), Argentina, Malaysia (Borneo).
Global Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN)
GYBN aims to engage the voice of global youth in the Convention on Biological Diversity process. 🌎 RTs 🚫endorsements. Join #YouthIntoAction campaign now
FAO Forestry
Forestry Division of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. Follow our Director-General QU Dongyu, @FAODG
Conservation Leadership Programme (CLP)
The Conservation Leadership Programme (CLP) helps build the capacity of future biodiversity conservation leaders – providing grants, training & mentoring.
Transnatl Enviro Law
Transnational Environmental Law (TEL) is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to new ideas on environmental law and governance beyond the state.
Alistair Monument
WWF International, Conservation Impact Director, Asia Pacific
Fabiano de Andrade Correa
international lawyer/consultant, #SustainableDevelopment law & policy | deputy-chair #ClimateChange #law @iucn_wcel | lead counsel #SDG16 @cisdl
Convention on Wetlands
Intergovernmental treaty providing frameworks for the conservation & wise use of wetlands & their resources.
International Forestry Students Association
IFSA is a worldwide organisation that has developed as bringing together forestry students from all over the world in a wide spectrum of activities.
Elizabeth M. Mrema
Deputy Executive Director @UNEP @UN Assistant Secretary-General
Why destroy our fragile #climate just to satisfy fossil fuel profit margins when we can go green save life on Earth #Arctic #keepitintheground #climatechange
Marco Lambertini
Nature Positive Initiative Convener, former WWF Int. Director General & Special Envoy, former Birdlife Int. CEO. For a #NaturePositive & #Equitable future
SCB Asia
The Asia Section of the Society for Conservation Biology advances the science and practice of biodiversity conservation in Asia
Joana Setzer
Assistant Professor @LSE_GRI | British Academy Fellow | Climate Law & Litigation | Climate Policy & Governance | Environmental lawyer | Brazilian/Londoner
Inger Andersen
Executive Director @UNEP @UN Under-Secretary-General
Julian Cribb
Science author with a focus on the tenfold human existential crisis: food security, climate, extinction, planetary pollution, nukes, resources, AI, population.
World Organisation for Animal Health
WOAH turns 100: A century of improving animal health and welfare.
Global Goals

Science Communications Expert dedicated to unlocking the potential of Nature-based Solutions, Conservation Agriculture, Modern Biotechnology & Circular Economy.
GLOBALGOALS is an ERC Advanced Grant-funded project investigating the steering effects of the #SDGs. Led by @FHBBiermann at @UUCopernicus, @UniUtrecht
Wild Haweswater
A landscape restoration partnership between @RSPBEngland and @UnitedUtilities, in the beautiful, rugged, eastern @LakeDistrictnpa. Discover more 👇 #WildFell
UN Ocean Decade
The United Nations Decade of Ocean Science is a common framework to deliver the science we need for the ocean we want by 2030. 🌊 Join us with #OceanDecade
Hannah Bourne-Taylor
Swift campaigner. Author of FLEDGLING 📚Lit Agent @AgentSophieL 🪶Trying to secure cavity nesting habitat for swifts & all endangered birds who share our 🏡
USAID Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment
At @USAID, we believe in the transformational power of advancing gender equality globally. | Privacy Policy: usaid.link/p
Biodiversity and Green Foundation
BIODIVERSITY AND GREEN FOUNDATION,INC A 501(c)(3) nonprofit org Donate: paypal.com/donate?hosted_…
COP 16 Colombia
#COP16Colombia @Minambienteco #PazConLaNaturaleza 21 oct-1 nov 2024. COP 16 #PeaceWithNature
The official account of UN Biodiversity Conference under China Presidency from 7-19 December, 2022 in Montreal 🇨🇦. #COP15. RTs are not endorsements.
Mejurua Project
The Mejuruá Project: conserving 900,000 hectares of incredibly biodiverse Amazon rainforest, promoting sustainable development & empowering local communities.
IUCN Tanzania
Official Twitter Account for IUCN in Tanzania.
Cuenta oficial de la 🌎 COP16 - Colombia 🇨🇴. @Minambienteco 📌Cali #PazConLaNaturaleza 🗓️ 21 oct - 1 nov 2024. COP16 official account #PeaceWithNature
Regenerative Seascapes for People Climate & Nature
🌍An initiative of @IucnE & @mi_inclusion supported by @GAC_Corporate protecting nature & empowering coastal communities in the Western Indian Ocean🌊
Guillermo Ortuño Crespo, Ph.D. |🇪🇸 |🇪🇺
IUCN WCPA High Seas Specialist Group 🌊; Director @KeystoneOcean 🧭; Towards IPOS team 🔬
المركز الوطني لتنمية الحياة الفطرية
الحساب الرسمي للمركز الوطني لتنمية الحياة الفطرية The official account of National Center for Wildlife - الرقم الموحّد 19914
water journalists
Water Journalists Africa, the largest network of 700 journalists from 50 African countries who report about water on the African continent.
Mount Kenya Wildlife Conservancy (MKWC)
Non-profit trust safeguarding Mt Kenya's wildlife | Mountain Bongo Champions | Conservation Educators | Animal Orphan Carers #IUCN #MKWC 🦌📢🌍🐾🌿
Future for Elephants
++ Support of local elephant conservation projects on the ground in Africa & Asia, solutions peaceful coexistence ++ #ElephantsFuture #FutureForElephants
Resilience Programme
With @europeanforest we investigate #forest resilience. #climatechange, #forest management, #urbanforestry, #biodiversity. @[email protected]