International Science Council Asia Pacific region (@iscasiapacific) 's Twitter Profile
International Science Council Asia Pacific region


The ISC Regional Focal Point for Asia-Pacific aims to ensure the unique needs & priorities of the region are integrated into the global scientific dialogue.

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International Science Council Asia Pacific region (@iscasiapacific) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Join The University of the South Pacific PaCE-SD PhD candidate Moleni Tu'uholoaki this Friday 2 August as he presents on his thesis topic: Enhancing Coastal Inundation Early Warning Capacity for Tonga through improved Tropical Cyclone Risk Knowledge. Zoom link available👉…

Join <a href="/UniSouthPacific/">The University of the South Pacific</a> <a href="/pace_sd/">PaCE-SD</a> PhD candidate Moleni Tu'uholoaki this Friday 2 August as he presents on his thesis topic: Enhancing Coastal Inundation Early Warning Capacity for Tonga through improved Tropical Cyclone Risk Knowledge. 
Zoom link available👉…