IRB Barcelona
International research centre devoted to offering biomedical solutions to cure #cancer and other diseases linked to #aging. @iCERCA center, member of @_BIST.
ID: 492118148
http://www.irbbarcelona.org 14-02-2012 11:10:47
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2,2K Following

Marco A Calzado
Father, Scientist, University Professor and Molecular Biologist. Technology lover. Star Wars fan.
Michael Glotzer
Cell Biologist and Ivory Tower Liberal
Jaume Collboni
Alcalde de Barcelona. Mayor of Barcelona. A instagram: bit.ly/3CyXhpZ
Royal Society Publishing
Discover new research from across the sciences and highlights from the world's longest-running journal archive. Part of @royalsociety royalsociety.org
Uni of Nottingham #WeAreUoN
The official University of Nottingham Twitter, a pioneering university that transforms the lives of our 45,000 students at campuses in the UK, China, Malaysia.
Josué A. Fiallo
Embajador de República Dominicana 🇩🇴📍🇨🇷 Dominican Republic’s Ambassador 🇩🇴📍🇨🇷
Marisol Soengas
Leads the Melanoma Laboratory at the Spanish National Cancer Centre (CNIO). President of ASEICA. Woman in science activist.
Biochemical Society
We help to share scientific expertise and research, supporting the molecular biosciences community. Follow our publisher @PPPublishing for the latest articles.
En Afundación, Obra Social @SomosABANCA, #RemamosXuntos para realizar unha acción educativa, social e cultural que contribúa a mellorar a sociedade.
L'Institut d'Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS) és el centre de recerca @iCerca vinculat a @Hospitalclinic.
Barcelona Activa
El teu canal per a la recerca de #treball i de suport a l’#emprenedoria, les #empreses i el #talent a Barcelona. Benvingut/da! 👋
Albert Einstein College of Medicine - Official
Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Biomedical research, medical education & clinical advances. Tweeting: David Flores, Deirdre Branley
Biomedicina BCN
Biomedical research with a view | Recerca biomèdica amb vistes cc @HMar_research @CRGenomica @UPFbiomed @EMBLBarcelona @IBE_Barcelona @ISGlobalorg @fpmaragall
The University of Chicago
The official feed of #UChicago—one of the world's leading research institutions. Account managed by University Communications.
Universitat de Barcelona
Benvinguts a la #UniBarcelona, una porta al coneixement i a les experiències a la primera universitat de Catalunya. L’obres amb nosaltres? web.ub.edu/avis-legal
Paul Brennan
interested in causes of cancer and early detection.
Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG)
We are an international biomedical research lab based in Barcelona, a unique and interdisciplinary centre at the forefront of life sciences. We are @icerca
ASEICA. Asociación Española de Investigación sobre el Cáncer. Spanish Association of Cancer Research. ¡Únete! Join us!: aseica.es/hazte-socio
Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge | @iCERCA Càncer - Medicina Regenerativa - Neurociències - Medicina Traslacional #BellvitgeInvestiga
Publicació d'informació i anàlisi sobre l'empresa. També ens trobaràs a facebook.com/leconomic
Jordi Valls
Ara Tinent Alcalde d’Economia, Hisenda, Turisme & Regidor Eixample #AjuntamentBCN #Europe #Latam #PositiveImpact #ClimateAction #jazz #music #books 🌏
Fundació Lluita contra les Infeccions
Referents en la recerca sobre les malalties infeccioses 🦠📊➡️ #lluita #recerca #tractament #cura
Laia Bonet
Jurista. Tinenta d'Alcaldia a Barcelona. Urbanisme, Mobilitat i Habitatge | Deputy Mayor of Barcelona
Alumni Barcelona
Compte oficial dels i les exalumnes de la Universitat de Barcelona.
Nuria Lopez-Bigas
ICREA Research Professor at @irbbarcelona. Working on computational cancer genomics. Leading the @bbglab
CNIO Stop Cancer
Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas Spanish National Cancer Research Centre 📷 #CNIOArte bit.ly/3CmHZUA
Químics de Catalunya
Col·legi Oficial de Químics de Catalunya. Estimem la química com a palanca essencial pel progrés de la societat.
Ciencia en Redes
Jornada de comunicación de la ciencia en redes sociales, de la mano de @aecomcientifica y @FundlaCaixa. Undécima edición, 8 de junio en @CaixaForum Madrid.
Manuel Collado
CNB-CSIC senior tenured scientist leading the Cell Senescence, cancer and aging Lab, CiMUS-USC, IDIS, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. @ColladoLab.
Xavier Fajarnés
🚀 Comunicació a #DoctoratsIndustrials | Comunicant Recerca, Desenvolupament i Innovació | Soci @ACCC_
Manel Esteller
Investigador ICREA, Catedràtic Genètica @UniBarcelona, Director Programa #Epigenètica i Biologia del Càncer i Director de @CarrerasIJC
EU green research
We fund #H2020 #HorizonEU research & innovation for a greener Europe and a healthy planet 🌍 for all l 🇪🇺 Official account by @EU_Commission @REA_research
Juan Rodriguez Vita
Group leader at @CIPFciencia investigating tumor-stroma communication. My own views. He/him/his. Find me also here: @jrodriguezvita.bsky.social
Cell Host & Microbe
The scientific editors of Cell Host & Microbe, a Cell Press journal, bring you the latest information and insights from the forefront of host-microbe research.
Facultat de Farmàcia i Ciències de l'Alimentació

BCN PID Foundation
Non-profit organization. Our aim is to give support to all the patients suffering from Primary Immunodeficiencies. We also promote research and training in PID.
Investigación, innovación y talento para construir el mundo que imaginamos. También en @CaixaResearchCA.
Gemma Marfany Nadal
Geneticist. Universitat de Barcelona. Teaching, research and scientific divulgation are three of my passions.
Hartwig Medical
Hartwig Medical Foundation stimuleert de vooruitgang in kankeronderzoek & -behandeling, met als doel verbetering van de de zorg voor toekomstige kankerpatiënten
Oxford University Press
Publishing the highest quality academic and educational books and research across the globe. We help millions to achieve their potential.
Marcius Lab
Structural Genomics Group lead by @mamartirenom at @CNAG_eu @CRGenomica
Waggoner Lab
Research lab of Dr. Stephen Waggoner. Opinions expressed are Dr. Waggoner's alone and not on behalf of lab staff or employer.
Yuval Shaked
We will find the way to defeat cancer
Alejo Rodriguez-Fraticelli, PhD
ICREA research professor - Quantitative Stem Cell Dynamics @fraticellilab @icreacommunity @IRBbarcelona @ERC_research @criscancer @CaixaResearch 🇦🇷🇪🇺🇺🇸
Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO)
Leading translational research to accelerate & advance personalized and targeted therapies against cancer. @iCERCA centre
Direna Alonso-Curbelo
Group Leader at @IRBBarcelona | Postdoc @sloan_kettering, PhD @CNIOStopCancer | Cancer origins & context | Imagine Observe Perturb | 🌍🔬🎼
Locher Lab
Structural Biology of Membrane Proteins - ETH Zurich | Tweets by lab members
Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute (IJC)
International research Institute that pursues to study and eradicate #Leukaemia, #Lymphoma, and other #Hemopathies. @salutcat @iCERCA
Pancho Barriga
Group Leader @VHIO. #cancergenetics #CNAs #tumorimmunology #stemcells. Views my own.
Islet Biology Lab - UMH
We're interested in islet cell function and survival in #type1diabetes. Headed by @lmarroqui and @rsdossantos13. Part of @UnibadUMH/@IDiBE_UMH and @ciberdem.
Sorrell Lab
Maralice Conacci Sorrell We study how cancer cells obtain nutrients and convert them into biomass. Fascinated with how metabolism regulates the nucleolus.
Maria Andrianova
Cancer cell biology | Mutagenesis & repair | postdoc in # @bbglab @IRBbarcelona
David Farré Gil
PhD Student at IRB Barcelona
Katarzyna (Kasia) Wierzbicka
PhD candidate at @IRBBarcelona @GomisLab, Growth Control and Cancer Metastasis Group 🧫🥼 cross-talk between ER+ breast cancer cells
Keisuke Ito_Lab
Professor @Einstein_SCI @EinsteinCellBio @EinsteinMed, studying stem cell equilibrium, with a focus on development of therapeutics for hematological disorders.
Continuing the legacy of our inaugural director Paul S. Frenette. Check our exciting research programs: einsteinmed.edu/centers/stem-c…
Anna Fustero Carandell

Pilar Ros Vila
Profesional de les adicciones, madre, y desde que tengo cáncer de mama metastásico soy tiktokera e instagramera 🤣🤪 Mi lema #todoslosdíassonbonitos
Científics interessats en com les cèl·lules poden interpretar els senyals que reben de l’exterior i per quins mecanismes s’internalitzen aquests senyals.
Patricia Ferrer Torres
Bioinformatics PhD student at @GenomeDataLab (IRB Barcelona) 🧬
Director ICMAB
Materials Science Institute of Barcelona @icmabCSIC Director's account run by the incumbent lead @DAmabilino
Paula Palacios Sánchez
Intern at Institute of Psychiatry and Neurosciences of Paris (IPNP) 👩🏼🔬🔬
Fundación privada sin ánimo de lucro. ¡Únete! #StopSarcoma
AECC "RETO 70% Survival" network on Small Cell Lung Cancer #SCLC. Coordinated by @LuisPaz_Ares & @m_malumbres. Funded by @contracancerINV, sosclc.org
Juan Cruz Cigudosa
Secretario de Estado de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades. Gobierno de España. Antes Consejero del Gobierno de Navarra.
Simon Newstead
David Phillips Chair of Molecular Biophysics
iNEXT-Discovery is a Horizon 2020 Infrastructure offering access and expertise for Structural Biology experiments! Apply anytime at inext-discovery.eu
IFOM is a centre focusing on the study of the molecular mechanisms underlying tumors formation and development.
Xose R Bustelo
Científico empeñado en entender el cáncer y en favorecer la ciencia en nuestro país. Trabajo en el Centro de Inv. del Cáncer de Salamanca. RT≠endorsement
Carles Aguilar - Periodista Audiovisual