Institut de Química Computacional i Catàlisi (Inst. Comput. Chem. Catal.), research institute at @univgirona focusing on #PredictiveCatalysis and #ConfinedSpace
ID: 1262798238
http://IQCC.udg.edu 12-03-2013 20:30:57
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Martí Gimferrer Martí Gimferrer awarded for best PhD thesis 2023 Escola de Doctorat de la UdG UdG Recerca TCBioSys Gent UdG Universitat de Girona iqcc.udg.edu/2024/07/17/mar…

Check our latest work about Improving Environmental Stress Cracking Resistance of High-Density Polyethylene..by Artur Sergio Posada Pérez Albert Poater in collaboration with N Bahri-Laleh Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute in Chemistry #IQCCpaper #openaccess DiMoCaT_IQCC UdG Recerca …mistry-europe.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ch…

Check our latest work about Biocatalytic desymmetrization for synthesis of chiral enones using flavoenzymes by Carla Calvó-Tusell Marc Garcia-Borràs in collaboration with Prof. Zhen Liu in Nature Synthesis #IQCCpaper #openaccess DiMoCaT_IQCC UdG Recerca iqcc.udg.edu/2024/07/22/bio…

#OnTheCover Cover Feature: Introducing Weakly Ligated Tris(trifluoromethyl)copper(III) by Vladimir Motornov, xribas, Petr Beier🇨🇿🇪🇺🧪📝 and co-workers (IOCB Prague, Universitat de Girona, IQCC UdG)onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ce… onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ce…

Check our latest work aboutTuning the Steric Hindrance of Alkylamines: A Predictive Model of Steric Editing..by M Tomasini M Voccia Albert Poater in collaboration with Szostak Group@Amides_NHCs_Catalysis in Chemical Science #IQCCpaper #openaccess DiMoCaT_IQCC UdG Recerca pubs.rsc.org/en/content/art…

PhD defense Andrea Palone (Andrea Palone) under supervision of Miquel Costas and Massimo Bietti Place: Aula Magna – Facultat de Ciències Date: July 30, 2024 Time: 10.30h Escola de Doctorat de la UdG UdG Recerca Gent UdG QBIS-CAT Research Group iqcc.udg.edu/2024/07/23/phd…

Check our latest work about Prediction of the ground state for indenofluorene-type systems with Clar's π-sextet model by Gibu George AJS Miquel Solà in Chemical Science #IQCCpaper #openaccess DiMoCaT_IQCC UdG Recerca pubs.rsc.org/en/content/art…

Cover Chemistry Europe on "Introducing Weakly Ligated Tris(trifluoromethyl)copper(III)" by N Alpunete Pedro Salvador xribas in collaboration with V Motornov Petr Beier🇨🇿🇪🇺🧪📝 UdG Recerca QBIS-CAT Research Group TCBioSys #IQCCcovers

It is a pleasure to have Prof. Tanguy Saget (icsn_upr2301, Université Paris-Saclay) with us and to attend his lecture on the chemistry developed in his group on intermolecular C(sp3)-H amination. IQCC UdG UdG Recerca Facultat de Ciències

Check our latest work about Unraveling the Mechanism of Hydrogen Atom Transfer...by Adrià Juvanteny i Palomeras Chiraf Souilah El Hadri R Quintero C García-Bellido Neus Pagès T Corona Pedro Salvador A Company in Inorganic Chemistry #IQCCpaper #openaccess QBIS-CAT Research Group TCBioSys UdG Recerca pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/ac…

Attending the defense of the PhD thesis by Andrea Palone (Andrea Palone) supervised by Miquel Costas and Massimo Bietti Escola de Doctorat de la UdG UdG Recerca Gent UdG QBIS-CAT Research Group

We have a new doctor at the IQCC! We are really proud of Andrea Palone for completing a PhD under supervisión Miquel Costas and Massimo Bietti. We wish him all the best in his professional future. Escola de Doctorat de la UdG UdG Recerca Gent UdG QBIS-CAT Research Group

Check our latest work about Iron-catalyzed synthesis of substituted 3-arylquinolin-2(1H)-ones via an intramolecular dehydrogenative coupling..by N Joly Albert Poater in collaboration with Jean-Luc Renaud in OBC #IQCCpaper DiMoCaT_IQCC UdG Recerca pubs.rsc.org/en/content/art…

Check our latest work about Direct 2,2,2-Trifluoro and 2,2-Difluoroethoxylation..by Lorena Capdevila M Montilla Josep M. Luis xribas in collaboration with Roithová Group in Chemistry Europe #IQCCpaper #openaccess QBIS-CAT Research Group DiMoCaT_IQCC UdG Recerca …mistry-europe.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ce…

Check our latest work about New halloysite-supported bio-based acidic ionic liquid as an efficient catalyst..by Md Bin Yeamin Albert Poater in collaboration with S Sadjadi, N Bahri-Laleh Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute in J Mol Liq #IQCCpaper #openaccess DiMoCaT_IQCC UdG Recerca sciencedirect.com/science/articl…

Check our latest work about Solvation Enthalpies and Free Energies for Organic Solvents through a Dense Neural Network: A Generalized-Born Approach by S F Vyboishchikov in Liquids #IQCCpaper #openaccess DiMoCaT_IQCC UdG Recerca mdpi.com/2908766

Check our latest work about [4+2]-Cycloaddition Reactions to Corannulene Accelerated by η6-Coordination of Ruthenium Complexes by Miquel Solà Yago García-Rodeja in collaboration with A Lebcir, A Boukhari in Chemistry Europe #IQCCpaper DiMoCaT_IQCC UdG Recerca …mistry-europe.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ej…

Check our latest work about A benchmark study of dioxygen complexes based on coupled cluster and density functional theory by MS in collaboration with M. Reimann in SciPost Chemistry @[email protected] #IQCCpaper @openaccess TCBioSys UdG Recerca scipost.org/SciPostChem.3.…