ਇਮਨਦੀਪ ਕੌਰ | Imandeep Kaur
Co - Founder @CIVIC_SQUARE, prev aka Impact Hub Birmingham | @TEDxBrum 2012-2017 | Hon Doc. @AstonUniversity | @BrumHippodrome Trustee |
ID: 225013119
http://civicsquare.cc 10-12-2010 12:51:01
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Do you know someone working in a small to medium construction business in the West Midlands? Share our warm invitation to join Re:Builders | Routes to Regenerative Construction in the West Midlands led by @civic_square, Dark Matter Labs + Material Cultures bit.ly/ReBuildersWM
If you enjoyed (bit weird to say that) or found useful our collaborative research with Dark Matter Labs on 3 Degree Neighbourhood on Thursday 5th September you can join myself, Charlie Edmonds, Indy Johar, Leon Sealey-Huggins, seetal solanki and Jack Minchella deep diving into it, there
Calling all Birmingham library lovers! Our latest libraries consultation guide is here: birminghamloveslibraries.org/post/our-libra… We recommend rejecting both options AND writing to your councillors. The 'final phase' of the council's libraries consultation ends Sept 27. Please speak up now!
If you’re in Birmingham this week, or need to start your new academic year off with peers, a boost, space to think, design, unpack ideas about the role of neighbourhood, and the communities that live / work in them, in the climate transition, we have a lot happen CIVIC SQUARE
Looking forward to being with friends CIVIC SQUARE on Thursday 🌞come along if you can!
Check out "Material Matter[s] Market Day + Report Launch" eventbrite.co.uk/e/material-mat… CIVIC SQUARE
What a joy to spend yesterday with CIVIC SQUARE - immersive workshops, talks and even potteraoke to finish the day. Always come away from time together full of hope, thoughts and ideas. Looking forward to the annual B16 Lunch On Saturday for more - see you there?