ICCBA-ABCPI (@iccba_abcpi) 's Twitter Profile


The ICCBA is an independent association representing the interests of List Counsel and their Assistants practising before the International Criminal Court.

ID: 746695416272543744

linkhttp://www.iccba-abcpi.org calendar_today25-06-2016 13:23:55

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ICCBA-ABCPI (@iccba_abcpi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Press Release: ICCBA Welcomes the Implementation of Interim Measures for #Defence and #Victims' Teams at the #ICC and will Continue to Pursue Reform of the Legal Aid System #fairtrials #InternationalLaw

Press Release: ICCBA Welcomes the Implementation of Interim Measures for #Defence and #Victims' Teams at the #ICC and will Continue to Pursue Reform of the Legal Aid System #fairtrials #InternationalLaw