HSC Technology Group
Technology-led, 'wonderfully human' company that empowers people who need care to live with independence, dignity and privacy in their homes.
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http://homestay.care 20-11-2018 05:05:12
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Nursing homes are closing across rural America, as beds go empty, money troubles mount and more people seek to age in their own homes, via The New York Times #agedcare #homecare nytimes.com/2019/03/04/us/…

Proud to be partnering with St John of God Health Care as they blaze a trail with their implementation of ground-breaking technologies in disability care. Thanks for the mention HITN Australia #smarthomes #digitalhealth #HealthIT healthcareit.com.au/article/here%E…

'As a society we have a moral obligation to improve the whole aged care system. Aged care facilities should not be a dumping ground for people waiting to die. Out of sight and out of mind is not acceptable', via Guardian Australia #agedcare theguardian.com/commentisfree/…

A recent article on The Big Smoke highlighting the benefits of HomeStay. thebigsmoke.com.au/2019/08/06/hom…...

This week is National Stroke Week. Do you know how to recognise a stroke? Remember to act F.A.S.T. Face Check their face. Arms Can they lift both arms? Speech Is their speech slurred? Time Is critical. If you see any of these signs call 000 immediately. strokefoundation.org.au/en/About-Strok…

Tomorrow is World Alzheimer’s Day, visit Dementia Australia to learn how you can help raise awareness and end the stigma surrounding Alzheimer’s. #LetsTalkAboutDementia #WorldAlzMonth