Yvonne Higgins (@higginsyvonne) 's Twitter Profile
Yvonne Higgins


Proud CNO of Northamptonshire ICB- all thoughts are my own

ID: 803020339

calendar_today04-09-2012 19:08:41

737 Tweet


639 Following

Nerea Odongo RN (@nereaodongorn) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Congratulations to our 5 healthcare support workers @nghnhstrust on being recognised by @cnoengland for their contributions to our organisation. Proud to present your awards alongside @higginsyvonne this week.

Congratulations to our 5 healthcare support workers @nghnhstrust on being recognised by @cnoengland for their contributions to our organisation. Proud to present your awards alongside @higginsyvonne this week.
Jayne Skippen (@jayneskippen1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

What a great privilege to recognise 4 of our Health Care Support colleagues with Chief Nurse awards. Such a brilliant achievement- very proud of you all. Thank you Yvonne Higgins for presenting the awards @KGH_CEO for reflecting on team KGH achievements- great work!

What a great privilege to recognise 4 of our Health Care Support colleagues with Chief Nurse awards. Such a brilliant achievement- very proud of you all. Thank you <a href="/HigginsYvonne/">Yvonne Higgins</a> for presenting the awards @KGH_CEO for reflecting on team KGH achievements- great work!
RCNi: the life-long learning partner for nurses (@rcni) 's Twitter Profile Photo

CONGRATULATIONS to Holly Slyne - winner of the Greener Nursing Practice category in the RCN Nursing Awards Holly reduced unnecessary PPE use. She identified trends in the overuse of gloves/aprons and refreshed her trust’s PPE policy saving £22k rcni.com/nurse-awards #RCNawards

CONGRATULATIONS to Holly Slyne - winner of the Greener Nursing Practice category in the RCN Nursing Awards
Holly reduced unnecessary PPE use. She identified trends in the overuse of gloves/aprons and refreshed her trust’s PPE policy saving £22k

rcni.com/nurse-awards #RCNawards
teamCNO 💙 (@teamcno_) 's Twitter Profile Photo

His Majesty The King has sent his personal heartfelt thanks to all nurses and midwives in England on the occasion of the #CNOSummit2023, after inviting 450 internationally educated nurses and midwives to his birthday celebrations at Buckingham Palace on Tuesday. #TeamCNO #Proud

His Majesty The King has sent his personal heartfelt thanks to all nurses and midwives in England on the occasion of the #CNOSummit2023, after inviting 450 internationally educated nurses and midwives to his birthday celebrations at Buckingham Palace on Tuesday. #TeamCNO #Proud
David Watts (@davejwatts) 's Twitter Profile Photo

OFSTED & CQC started their SEND Inspection for the North Northamptonshire area yesterday. Children, Young People, Parents, Carers & Practitioners can have their say. SURVEYS CLOSE: 16 January 2024, 9am ofsted.smartsurvey.co.uk/p/AreaSend/102… North Northamptonshire Council Integrated Care Northamptonshire

OFSTED &amp; CQC started their SEND Inspection for the North Northamptonshire area yesterday. Children, Young People, Parents, Carers &amp; Practitioners can have their say. SURVEYS CLOSE:  16 January 2024, 9am ofsted.smartsurvey.co.uk/p/AreaSend/102… <a href="/NNorthantsC/">North Northamptonshire Council</a> <a href="/ICNorthants/">Integrated Care Northamptonshire</a>
Sam Foster RN (@safetysamfoster) 's Twitter Profile Photo

skillsforcare.org.uk/resources/docu… This new guidance to support us all in realising the potential of student practice placements in social care is a must read to showcase the incredible opportunities for nursing careers in social care 🌟🌟🌟 Deborah Sturdy

Northampton General Hospital 💙 (@nghnhstrust) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Measles is a highly infectious viral illness, so anyone with symptoms is advised to stay at home and phone their GP or NHS 111 for advice, rather than visiting a GP surgery or A&E, to prevent the illness spreading further. Read more: northamptongeneral.nhs.uk/News/Articles/… 1/2

Measles is a highly infectious viral illness, so anyone with symptoms is advised to stay at home and phone their GP or NHS 111 for advice, rather than visiting a GP surgery or A&amp;E, to prevent the illness spreading further.

Read more: northamptongeneral.nhs.uk/News/Articles/…
Sarah Stansfield (@sstansfieldcb) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I’m so proud of the digital team Integrated Care Northamptonshire! The progress has been amazing and the commitment inspiring. Thanks for putting us squarely on the digital map!!

Integrated Care Northamptonshire (@icnorthants) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Take part in a local parkrun UK event on 11 May for International Nurses Day #IND2024. You can walk, jog, run or volunteer as we recognise and thank our #teamCMidO midwives and #teamCNO nurses. parkrun.org.uk/register/

Take part in a local <a href="/parkrunUK/">parkrun UK</a> event on 11 May for International Nurses Day #IND2024.

You can walk, jog, run or volunteer as we recognise and thank our #teamCMidO 
midwives and #teamCNO nurses.

Georgina - RN(MH),NMP, QN, PNA (@callardgeorgie) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thank you to Professor Liz Deutsch Dr Stephen Jones, RN(MH) and donna for supporting our 1st countywide PNA conference. Really interesting and inspiring day. Shows what system collaboration can do. So excited for the future. Well done Sophie Mayes for being the backbone of it all. #NPNAConf24 #PNA

Thank you to <a href="/LizzieDeutsch/">Professor Liz Deutsch</a> <a href="/SWJ_1/">Dr Stephen Jones, RN(MH)</a> and <a href="/donnabray/">donna</a> for supporting our 1st countywide PNA conference. Really interesting and inspiring day. Shows what system collaboration can do. So excited for the future. Well done <a href="/SophiePNA/">Sophie Mayes</a> for being the backbone of it all. #NPNAConf24 #PNA