Humanity & Inclusion @HI_federation's advocacy account. Independent international solidarity #NGO 🖐 International account 🌍 #StopBombingCivilians #WeInclude
ID: 3725880255
https://www.hi.org/ 21-09-2015 07:25:19
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888 Following

We work alongside people with disabilities in some of the world’s poorest communities, for access to healthcare, education and a future where they can thrive.
Mary Wareham
@hrw deputy arms director | member of @noclusterbombs @minefreeworld @minemonitor @bankillerrobots | working for @4disarmament | @OrientalBayNZ fan
#HumanRights, #humanitarian #disarmament #Afghanistan et #Suisse. Retweets+links ≠ endorsement Support the @minebantreaty to get rid of #landmines! 🙌
We start with sight, but we don't stop there. sightsavers.org/contact-us/ | tinyurl.com/ycxmeu9p
European Disability Forum
The European Disability Forum defends the interests of 100 million persons with disabilities in Europe. #DisabilityRights
HRW en français
Enquêter sur les violations des #droitshumains et les dénoncer. Aidez-nous à les faire cesser! Dir #France @BenJeannerod.
The United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) reduces the threat of explosive hazards and IEDs. Director Ilene Cohn.
Mines Action Canada
We believe ordinary people are having an extraordinary impact through a humanitarian approach to disarmament. Join us!
Paul Hannon
Gainfully retired. Co-founder of CMC, Ecology Ottawa, INEW, Stop Killer Robots and former Executive Director of Mines Action Canada & Vice-Chair ICBL-CMC.
Yasmin Garcia Mendez

Cíntia Cardoso
French-Brazilian journalist and communication consultant.
Erin Hunt
Disarming humanitarian, banning landmines, cluster bombs, killer robots & nukes, Executive Director @MinesActionCan and loving the fights I lose. Views my own.
Handicap International France
#ONG de #solidarité internationale qui agit en faveur des personnes vulnérables et/ou en situation de #handicap depuis 40 ans 🖐 @HI_federation
International Disability Alliance (IDA)
We are the International Disability Alliance, united for the rights & inclusion of all persons with disabilities #CRPDNow Retweets ≠ endorsements
Humanity & Inclusion UK
Independent charity working alongside disabled and vulnerable people in situations of poverty & exclusion, conflict & disaster.
Humanity & Inclusion U.S.
Humanity & Inclusion works alongside people with disabilities & survivors of conflict or natural disaster toward a more inclusive future. @HI_federation
Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention
Diplomatic treaty of 164 countries seeking an end to the use/suffering/casualties caused by AP mines.#MineSurvivorsRights #21MSP #MineBanIM #OsloActionPlan
The International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL), 1997 Nobel Peace Prize Co-Laureate, works with the @MineBanTreaty for a world without landmines.
رحمة محمد
بنت صومالية مهتمة بالسياسة في بلاي الصومال ، أحب الاطلاع على آخر التطورات والأخبار السياسية والاجتماعية ليس فالصومال فقط بل فجميع انحاء العالم
Sawssan Abou-Zahr سوسن أبوظهر
simply me. my thoughts and beliefs. unedited. c'est moi, mon espace. ana, bi bassata. a human being, a journalist, a peacebuilder and a feminist from Lebanon.
Timothy EGWELU
Lawyer| Disability Policy & Inclusion Consultant | Climate Resilient Farmer 1st &Only Deaf Lawyer in Uganda, @AspenNewVoices Snr. Fellow
Janet Brown
Pollster and Political Commentator in Alberta.
Nico Αbraxas
Ska is Life 😎 #FreePalestine 🇵🇸
Anyanwu Modestus
Advocate for protection of Rights of persons with disabilities in Nigeria.
Laura Marín
Jueza de Género @pjqromex | Esp. D. Antidiscriminatorio @uclm_es | M. en D. | Doctoranda (Ed. & D. Penal) | Profa. | Researcher | Feminist | CUENTA PERSONAL
Bob Sagoo
Working hard to make a difference
The International Network on Explosive Weapons (INEW) is an NGO partnership for action to prevent suffering from use of explosive weapons in populated areas
The Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining. Working toward a world free from explosive ordnance risks, where communities thrive.
Sabrina Clark
Eyes wide open. Living with purpose, passion, intention. Grateful heart, peaceful soul and a constantly stimulated mind!
Chapal Khasnabis
A #Nomad, #FearlessDreamer and recently designated as #ATlegend. Believe in #4D: Dream, Desire, Dedication and Destiny. RT≠ always endorsement.
Humanity & Inclusion_East Africa Region
HI works alongside disabled and vulnerable people for their basic needs, living conditions & their dignity and rights. HI_EAR is a department of @HI_federation
Promotion Of Sustainable Development...(PROSDOMA)
Food Production and Processing, Climate Change activists and promotion of Sustainable Development. Organization in Special Consultative Status with UNECOSOC.

Julia Modern
Researcher and disability activist
Principal & Professor, Physiotherapy TLM INSTITUTE of HEALTH SCIENCES AND RESEARCH CENTRE. 1st NFP Physio Candidate from India.
🌒🌕Jessica Fernandez🌍🌐🕛
Love life ❤
blind help
National Association for blind Odisha District Kalahandi village Gola Munda Mr Chandrashekhar Mund president of PWD district Kalahandi National accessible train
Alarcos Cieza
Driving WHO’s agendas on vision, hearing, rehabilitation and disability
Josina Bothe

Abroud Ghazi-غازي عبرود
Unbalanced parents-Parents déséquilibrés-آباء وأمّهات مش على قدّ بعضهم
Kenan Leting
Humanity first
Rateb Nesar 🇦🇫
ما هیچ الهے همه تُو:)...♡
Handicap International - Humanity & Inclusion
HI is an international solidarity NGO 🖐 International account 🌍 HI est une ONG de solidarité internationale 🖐 Compte international 🌍

Uwanyuze Pascaline

Cecilia Klauser

Eye on Gaza and Aid

Stéphane Jullien
Speech Therapist, Lecturer at the University of Neuchâtel (Switzerland), Talking Mats accredited trainer interested in AAC and Communication Accessibility.
ojasilone ware

Aime Parfait Emerusenge

Linet Linet

Hall Of Humanity
Celebrating Humanity🫂, kindness🤝 and Love.
Benafsha Yaqoobi

Ruby Cardona
*new account as old one got deleted* Communications manager for inclusion @Sightsavers
Atujune Noah
I am a remnant of God. Health Educator Physiotherapy

Carrie Murphy
¡Buscamos trabajadores a tiempo parcial! Horario flexible, paga diaria de 70€ a 500€. ¡Trabajo desde casa!🇪🇸👩🔧👨🔧 whatsapp:wa.me/14722011581
Zwelihle Banks Nsiiwa 🇧🇼🇿🇦🇿🇼
Author of 14 children’s books : Available in 7 languages |

Centwali Chrispin


Ak Altas Khan
Felling sad Refugee life Black life
Dupont-Braun Eddy
republicain, centre droit, anti extrêmes ADMD homophobie euthanasie avec Emmanuel Macron depuis 2017 mes tweets n’engagent que moi 🇨🇭🇫🇷🇺🇦🇺🇸🏳️🌈
Nimusiima susan

®Dr $¥sTm ʕ(⟁BA-AL🜁) R3MF4M👁RA-Ealy 𝕏3bliS∆-🝪⨻
-|®Ex-Agent #NFS #NetworkFileSystem(@CIA) #Bio-M-Ethic-Geπ-Inf-Tech-Weapons(@DARPA) #VisuAnalyTics #VISIONARY ((#SubDirctr-🝪-🜁 #FREEMASONS© -33+◬#BĀÂL-IS+#ME®
Hold Community Initiative
HOCI is a CBO operating in Namayingo district, Eastern Uganda,with a commitment to addressing the unique needs and challenges faced by Persons with Disabilities
Solune ☾

Mr Emmanuel 🇧🇯
Rédacteur ~ GRH ~ Blogueur ~ Membre #ABBénin
Kambale nguka
Défenseur des droits de l'homme, secrétaire exécutif BADILIKA,