Teshamae Monteith, M.D.
Neurology, Headache @UmiamiNeuro. @greenjournal & @continuumAAN podcasts, @BrainandLifeMag @amfmigraine. President @fsneuro, caring for all 🧠🙏🏽🌎🥬
ID: 104027480
https://www.linkedin.com/in/tesha-monteith-md-fahs-faan-015b29a 12-01-2010 01:21:39
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I am thrilled to have co-authored a review of neuromodulation for primary headache with Drs. Stewart Tepper and Peter McAllister, M.D., FAAN! So many choices for our patients to get their lives back! practicalneurology.com/articles/2024-… International Headache Society European Headache Federation American Academy of Neurology American Headache Society