K Håkan Johansson
Det är ju bara jag, Håkan i Säby, kuf, prokrastinerare, producent av jättelånga textsjok. Bra, bra, brag!
ID: 258530519
27-02-2011 23:01:21
38,38K Tweet
1,1K Following
I wonder how anyone still calls this despot "fountain of honour" or "father of the nation"! From where I stand, dctator Yoweri K Museveni is senile.
Wouldn't it be nice if #HarryPotter could just magically get rid of #transphobes in a movie? You know, while he's already taking down #Voldemort. Pretty sure Agnes Wold and J.K. Rowling would like it. Maybe also Kajsa Ekis Ekman. #HarryPotterInTransphobia #JKRowling #AGnesWold