Claudia(@signorina37H) 's Twitter Profile Photo

JAMESWT MalwareHunterTeam Claudio illegalFawn Gianni Amato Che poi, nella benevolenza più totale, sul sito ufficiale si trova anche questo bel QR Code.. che cosa potrebbe andare storto con un fake url?

@JAMESWT_MHT @malwrhunterteam @sonoclaudio @illegalFawn @guelfoweb Che poi, nella benevolenza più totale, sul sito ufficiale si trova anche questo bel QR Code.. che cosa potrebbe andare storto con un fake url?
JaromirHorejsi(@JaromirHorejsi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Peter Kruse | Cybercrime Research JAMESWT Adobe Gianni Amato reecDeep Igal Lytzki🇮🇱 MalwareHunterTeam proxylife to me both files seem to be legit, signature is valid, in overlay, the following bytes with JSON object are appended. Can it be some kind of 'Marketing Cloud Visitor ID' or sth like that?

@peterkruse @JAMESWT_MHT @Adobe @guelfoweb @reecdeep @0xToxin @malwrhunterteam @pr0xylife to me both files seem to be legit, signature is valid, in overlay, the following bytes with JSON object are appended. Can it be some kind of 'Marketing Cloud Visitor ID' or sth like that?
illegalFawn(@illegalFawn) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Salvatore Lombardo Let's Encrypt Cloudflare Francesco Bussoletti Gianni Amato JAMESWT MalwareHunterTeam Massinissa - マシニッサ Claudia ωєвмαякєтнιик questi spopolano sui social da anni, target le compagnie nazionali di trasporto worldwide ( 🇮🇹🇨🇭🇧🇪🇳🇱🇨🇦..)

da una veloce ricerca 'nostrana':
/ pls revoke the domains

@Slvlombardo @letsencrypt @Namecheap @Cloudflare @FBussoletti @guelfoweb @JAMESWT_MHT @malwrhunterteam @MassinissaDC @signorina37H @WebMarkeThink questi #scam spopolano sui social da anni, target le compagnie nazionali di trasporto worldwide ( 🇮🇹🇨🇭🇧🇪🇳🇱🇨🇦..)

da una veloce ricerca 'nostrana':
@Namecheap pls revoke the #scam domains
Igal Lytzki🇮🇱(@0xToxin) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Cxy0rL reecDeep MalwareHunterTeam James JAMESWT TG Soft Gianni Amato Kostas proxylife Frost ExecuteMalware The configs are RC4 encrypted and stored in the RCData resource of the binary.
The first byte is the length of the key to follow up and the rest is the encrypted data.

@cxy0r @reecdeep @malwrhunterteam @James_inthe_box @JAMESWT_MHT @VirITeXplorer @guelfoweb @Kostastsale @pr0xylife @fr0s7_ @executemalware The configs are RC4 encrypted and stored in the RCData resource of the binary.
The first byte is the length of the key to follow up and the rest is the encrypted data.